Ultra-miniature Ceramic Chip Resonators
The SSR series ultra-miniature ceramic chip resonators are supplied in a small surface-mount package measuring 3.2 x 2.1 x 1.5 mm and incorporate built-in load capacitors that simplify circuit designs and reduce assembly costs. The units are suitable for clock applications in cellular telephones, camcorders, digital cameras and other portable electronic equipment. The resonators feature an operating frequency range from 16 to 60 MHz (+/-0.5 percent), resonant impedance of 100 W (max) and temperature stability of +/-0.3 percent over the operating temperatures of -20° to +80°C. Price: 30¢ each (100,000). Delivery: approximately 10 weeks. (Samples are available immediately.)
AVX Corp.,
Myrtle Beach, SC
(843) 946-0414.
Timing Modules
The Stratum 3 and 4E types simplified control timing modules act as complete integrated clock subsystems that are designed to provide phase synchronization in one compact unit. The modules can be designed into several applications, including as a system timing signal generator. Full external control input also allows selection and monitoring of any of four possible operating states: holdover, external clock #1, external clock #2 and free run. In the absence of external control inputs, the timing modules enter the free-run mode and signal the external alarm, and then enter the other operating modes upon application of a proper control signal. Holdover mode results in an output signal at the frequency of the latest locked signal input values. Alarm signals are generated during holdover and free-run operations and by a loss of lock or tune limit indications from the phase-locked loop (PLL). The timing modules are available in T1, E1, 16.384 and 19.440 MHz frequencies and conform to Bellcore GR-1244-CORE-5.2 and Stratum 3 and 4E specifications.
The Connor-Winfield Corp.,
Aurora, IL
(630) 851-4722.
810 - 850 MHz Low Phase Noise VCO
The model PV-810C VCO is designed for use in cellular and wide area network applications, and operates over a frequency range of 810 to 850 MHz with low phase noise of -103 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz and -123 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz. The device features a 5 V supply voltage, 15 mA current and operating temperature range of -40° to 85°C. Size: 0.500" x 0.500" x 0.205".
Princeton Electronic Systems Inc. (PES),
Princeton, NJ
(609) 275-6500.
10 - 25 MHz TCXOs
The OSC series low profile, surface-mount temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO) are available in frequencies from 10 to 25 MHz. The low profile (0.9" maximum height) units can be mounted using the standard convection reflow process, feature a +/-1.5 ppm frequency vs. temperature characteristic over a -20° to +70°C operating range and operate from a 3 or 5 V supply. Current drain is < 2 mA, aging is < 1 ppm/year and phase noise is -125 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz and -150 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz. The units are suitable for use in PCS, GSM, cellular, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) applications.
Vectron International,
Norwalk, CT
(888) 328-7661.
8 - 12 GHz Digitally Tuned Oscillator
The model D2535 digitally tuned oscillator operates over the frequency band of 8 to 12 GHz for electromagnetic compatibility applications and provides high modulation rates and constant jamming bandwidth with digital control over both the microwave frequency and deviation bandwidth. The microwave portion comprises a high speed, fundamental-mode VCO with less than -50 dBc harmonic levels. The electronic portion features high speed custom electronic circuitry, which provides greater than 20 MHz modulation bandwidth and deviation bandwidth constancy to within +/-5 percent. In addition, the deviation bandwidth can be digitally controlled to provide bandwidth from 10 to 500 MHz. The unit performs over the -54° to +85°C temperature range and is available with full MIL screening.
General Microwave Corp.,
Amityville, NY
(516) 226-8900, ext. 291.
900 - 1100 MHz VCO
The model CLV1000E VCO generates frequencies between 900 and 1100 MHz within 1 to 10 V DC of control voltage with an average tuning sensitivity of 27 MHz/V. The wideband oscillator provides a spectrally clean signal of -111 dBc/Hz (typ) at 10 kHz from the carrier and improves second harmonic attenuation to better than -14 dBc. The unit is specified to operate over the extended commercial temperature range of -40 to 85°C. In addition, the VCO minimizes power consumption by operating off a 5 V DC supply while drawing 22 mA (typ) and delivers 4.5 +/-2.5 dBm of output power into a 50 W load. Pushing is less than 2 MHz/V within a five percent change of the supply voltage and pulling is less than 2 MHz with a 14 dB return loss (any phase). Price: $24.95 each. Delivery: stock to six weeks.
Z-Communications Inc.,
San Diego, CA
(619) 621-2700.