The TEGAM 2510A temperature controlled coaxial rf feedthrough rf power transfer standard enables the precise measurement of microwave power in the 10 MHz to 50 GHz frequency range. These units are durable, highly accurate, and stable with time and temperature. They are ideal for use as standards wherever an accurate RF power measurement is required. Units are supplied with A2LA accredited ISO17025 NIST traceable calibration data.
These models are designed for use with the 1830A which is direct reading thermistor power meter.
Preliminary Specs - Not Yet Available
- Used to calibrate 2.4mm RF power sensors from Agilent, Rohde & Schwarz, Anritsu, Gigatronics and Boonton in the 10 MHz to 50 GHz frequency range
- Standards are directly traceable to NIST
- Thermistor standards are temperature controlled
- Compatible with the 1830A RF Thermistor Power Meter and 1806A Bridge
- A2LA Accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2005 calibration with data and uncertainties
- RF Power Sensor Calibration Forum
- 3 year warranty