High Frequency VCO
The model VCO691-5800T high frequency VCO features a frequency range from 5700 to 5900 MHz, supply voltage of +3 V and phase noise of –99 dBc/Hz (typ) at 100 kHz offset. Typical output power is –7 dBm. Second and third harmonics are –15 dBc (typ) and –20 dBc (typ), respectively. Size: 12.70 x 12.70 x 6.35 mm.
Vari-L Company Inc.,
Denver, CO
(303) 371-1560.
60 - 500 GHz High Power mm-wave Sources
The model 708 source consists of a fully protected power supply plus the appropriate clinotron (a derivation of the backward-wave oscillator) for the desired frequency range. Power outputs range from 4 W at 60 GHz to 20 mW at 500 GHz. Tube bandwidths are approximately 10 percent. The unit can be operated from either front-panel controls or via a computer bus. Price: starts at $27,000 (depending on the tube). Delivery: 60 days (ARO).
Resonance Instruments Inc.,
Skokie, IL
(847) 583-1000.
Integrated Voltage-tunable Magnetron and Sweeping Power Supply
This integrated voltage-tunable magnetron (VTM) and sweeping power supply provides microwave power output and requires 28 V DC input. The addition of a small converter provides operation with 120 V AC or 220 V AC for the input. Microwave output is available from 1 to 10 GHz. Each VTM can be electronically tuned over a frequency range of 20 to 10 percent, respectively. The system can be used in a fixed frequency mode and the power can be turned off and on at high rates. The unit can be configured for countermeasure applications since it can be noise modulated and swept at high rates. The system also can be configured for specific applications.
Mictron Inc.,
Sarasota, FL
(941) 371-6659.
Miniature TCXO
The model RTXO-113 miniature temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) is designed for use in generating high stability frequencies in mobile communications that operate over wide environmental conditions. The surface-mount unit features a voltage-control option up to +/-18 ppm/V, stability of +/-2.5 ppm over the operating temperature of –30° to +80°C, a profile height of 2 mm and a small footprint of 7 x 9 mm. The TCXO is powered by a single +3 V supply. Current drain is 1.5 mA (max) and output voltage is a 1 V p-p clipped sine wave capable of driving a 10 kW load shunted by 10 pF. The unit is available in standard communication frequencies from 12.6 to 20 MHz. Price: $6 (10,000). Delivery: eight to 10 weeks (ARO).
Raltron Electronics Corp.,
Miami, FL
(305) 593-6033.
Industrial SAW VCOs
These spectrally pure SAW VCOs are offered at frequencies from 300 to over 1000 MHz and typically achieve phase noise performance of –60 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offsets and noise floors of –155 dBc/Hz beyond offsets of 300 kHz. Customers can specify operating voltages of +5, +8, +12 or +15 V DC and RF output power up to +10 dBm (nom) (65 mA (max)). The industrial VCOs typically tune 300 ppm over a 0 to +7 V DC tune range, which makes them suitable for use in a PLL. While operation from –40° to +75°C is standard, higher temperature versions are available on request. The oscillators are packaged in a 1.50" x 1.00" x 0.24" DIP.
Sawtek Inc.,
Orlando, FL
(407) 886-8860.
Low Profile, Surface-mount OCXO
The model OCXO-6000 surface-mount oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) provide slow aging rates and temperature stabilities. The oscillator provides an aging rate of 1 x 10–7/year with temperature stabilities from +/-3 x 10–8 from 0° to 70°C and operates from a +5 V supply at 125 mA. Phase noise at 100 Hz is –135 dBc/Hz. The OCXO is designed for use in telecommunications, data communications, frequency synthesizers, timing, navigation, telemetry and instrumentation systems.
Vectron International,
Norwalk, CT
(888) 328-7691
Low Power VCO
The model LPV915A1 low power VCO is designed for use in 900 MHz ISM applicationswhere ultra-low noise performance is required. The unit covers the frequency range of 902 to 928 MHz within 0 to 3 V DC of control voltage while conserving battery life by operating off a 1.2 V DC supply and drawing only 12 mA (typ). The oscillator provides a spectrally pure signal of –108 dBc/Hz (typ) at 10 kHz from the carrier. The VCO heightens any PLL design due to its 1.1:1 linearity over frequency and temperature (–40° to 85°C) while typically suppressing the second harmonic to better than –9 dBc. The oscillator provides an output power of –3.75 dBm (nom) into a 50 W load. The VCO is housed in a surface-mount package measuring 0.50" x 0.50" x 0.16". Price: approximately $15 (1000).
Z-Communications Inc.,
San Diego, CA
(619) 621-2700.
Phase-locked Sources
These phase-locked sources are available with internal and external references, and are provided in industry-standard packaging. Frequencies exceeding 30 GHz are available. The units feature dielectric resonator oscillators above 3 GHz and a coaxial resonator oscillator below 3 GHz. Reference frequency must be a subharmonic of the output frequency (50 to 150 MHz). Special dual-loop models with lower (10 MHz) frequency references also are available.
San Jose, CA
(408) 266-7404.
Surface-mount Oscillators
The S1800 series surface-mount oscillators cover the frequency range from 1.8 to 80 MHz and operate at 5 V –15 pF (model S1800), 5 V –20 to 50 pF high drive (model S1850) and 3.3 V (model S1803). Frequency stabilities of +/-25, +/-50 and +/-100 ppm over all conditions are available with operating temperature ranges of 0° to 70°C or –40° to +85°C. The units are CMOS, HCMOS and TTL compatible in a leadless ceramic package with gold-plated pads, and offer tristate output and standby current below 10 mA. The low profile subminiature oscillators are suitable for developing high density designs, including laptop and hand-held computers, portable communications and disk drives.
Palo Alto, CA
(800) 227-8974 or (650) 856-6900.