Computer Simulation Technology AG (CST) is showcasing its new features for radar cross-section (RCS) simulation in the upcoming version of its flagship electromagnetic simulation tool, CST STUDIO SUITE® 2015, at European Microwave Week (EuMW) 2014, booth 109.

Aerospace and defense companies and government agencies worldwide use CST STUDIO SUITE on mission-critical projects. Its tightly-integrated solvers cover a broad range of frequencies and scales, allowing demanding and complex electromagnetic environments to be simulated during the development phase of new technologies.

RCS is an important consideration when designing new equipment, and is something that CST has long supported. The 2015 release builds on the previous RCS capabilities of CST STUDIO SUITE by adding the ability to produce RCS maps – plots of RCS phase or amplitude against frequency and scan angle – with the shooting and bouncing ray (SBR) asymptotic solver. RCS maps give engineers a more detailed view of the cross-section of a platform, and can be used to help identify potential scatterers.

CST STUDIO SUITE 2015 also introduces support for angle and frequency-dependent radar absorbing material (RAM) coatings. The angular dependency and frequency dependency of the material are important considerations when minimizing the worst case RCS of a platform, and include these properties in the model can make the RCS simulation more accurate.

More information about the RCS capabilities of CST STUDIO SUITE 2015 will be given in the presentation of new features at the CST booth. Registration for the EuMW exhibition is free of charge, and the CST talks are open to all exhibition visitors. For an overview of all booth presentations see or visit the CST booth and pick up a leaflet.

RCS is a significant application for our software ,” commented Martin Timm, Marketing Director, CST. “The new features in CST STUDIO SUITE 2015 build on over a decade of experience of RCS simulation, and will help engineers be able to analyze the cross-section of platforms more accurately and more effectively.”

