Catalog Update
Substrate Material Brochure
This six-page brochure describes performance advantages offered by the company's new 25N series substrate material developed for high speed, high frequency, volume commercial PWBs. Typical application examples and product photographs are provided.
Arlon, Materials for Electronics,
Rancho Cucamonga, CA (909) 987-9533.
RF and Microwave Instrument Brochure
This six-page brochure describes RF and microwave instruments, including receivers, tuners, up-/downconverters, demodulators, multicouplers and controllers. Repair and support service information are included. Specifications and product photographs are provided.
Communication Solutions Inc.,
Baltimore, MD (410) 574-4557.
Capacitor and Thin-film Product Catalog
This 68-page catalog details the company's complete line of single- and multilayer capacitors; and thin-film products, including heatsinks and standoffs, miniature RF blocking networks, self-bias networks, bias-filter networks, and substrates and plates. Applications, specifications and product photographs are provided.
Dielectric Laboratories, a Dover Technologies company,
Cazenovia, NY (315) 655-8710.
Circuit Design Software Catalog
This 16-page catalog describes the GENESYS version 6.0 software that includes several synthesis modules to help create initial designs for L-C filters, oscillators, distributed microwave filters, matching networks and amplifiers, active filters and group-delay equalizers. Screen shots and outline drawings are provided.
Eagleware Corp.,
Stone Mtn, GA (770) 939-0156.
DRO Brochure
This six-page brochure introduces the company's series 500 free-running dielectric resonator oscillators (DRO) and series 600 phase-locked dielectric and coaxial resonator oscillators for use in both military and commercial applications. Described features include low phase noise, small size, frequency stability and low cost. Outline drawings and specifications are provided.
EMF Systems Inc.,
State College, PA (814) 237-5738.
Semirigid Coaxial Cable Brochure
This four-page brochure features semirigid, hand-formable and flexible coaxial cables and components designed for use in RF/microwave systems in commercial, military and satellite equipment qualified for MIL-C-17 and space applications. Specifications are provided. Photographs are included.
Haverhill Cable and Manufacturing Corp. (HCMC),
Haverhill, MA (508) 372-6386.
Product Catalog
This 48-page catalog details capacitors, including air-variable, Giga Trim" and ceramic single-turn versions; microwave tuning elements; tuning tools and hardware; and prototype kits. Product photographs are provided. Specifications are included.
Johanson Manufacturing Corp.,
Boonton, NJ (973) 334-2676.
GaAs MMIC Catalog
This 32-page GaAs MMIC catalog describes personal communications service (PCS) base station upconverters, high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) power amplifiers, double-conversion tuners, community antenna television hybrid ICs, HEMT low noise, medium-power amplifiers, RF modules and handsets for PCS and personal communications network applications, and up-/downconverters for PCS repeaters.
Microwave Communications & Components Inc. (MCC)
Ronkonkoma, NY (516) 467-0311.
Designer's Guide
This 168-page catalog details RF/IF microwave components, including mixers, power splitters/combiners, amplifiers, filters, directional couplers, switches, phase detectors, frequency doublers, limiters, phase shifters, bias tees, transformers and oscillators. Specifications and product photographs are provided.
Brooklyn, NY (718) 934-4500.
Communication Product Cat alog
The 14-page catalog provides information on the company's crystal-controlled and synthesized up-/downconverters, frequency translators, switchover systems, video exciters, amplifier systems, equalizers, pilot generators/receivers, uplink power control units, receiver subsystems, enclosures and custom-designed products. Product photographs are provided.
Hauppauge, NY (516) 436-7400.
SATCOM Product and System Brochure
This five-page satellite communications (SATCOM) product and system brochure describes a variable-power combiner redundancy switching system and remote control unit; a switching combining network; an M:N redundancy switching unit; and diplexers for C-, Ku- and DBS-band applications.
Mitec Telecom Inc.,
Tinton Falls, NJ (800) 724-3911 or (908) 542-1133.
Component Catalog
This 60-page 25th anniversary catalog features the company's line of components, including RF and microwave filters, diplexers, multiplexers, low noise amplifiers and integrated subassemblies. Product photographs and outline drawings are provided.
Delta Microwave,
Oxnard, CA (805) 240-1044.
RF/Microwave Test and Measurement Accessory Guide
This guide details in- and between-series adapters; instrument-grade, interchangeable interface, and general- and special-purpose precision coaxial cable assemblies; components, including terminations, attenuators, couplers and dividers; and tools, including torque wrenches and inspection gauges.
Sunnyvale, CA (800) 736-7862.
Waveguide Assembly and Component Catalog
This 11-page catalog details the company's capabilities in manufacturing waveguide assemblies and components, including flexible and flexible/twistable waveguide, side-seam flexible waveguide, rigid waveguide components and hybrid assemblies. Product photographs are provided.
Quasar Microwave Technology Ltd.,
Devon, UK +44 (0)1626 834222.
High Performance Microwave Antenna Catalog
This nine-page catalog describes the company's wide range of antennas that operate from 7 to 38 GHz. Product descriptions include photographs, electrical specifications, dimensions, specific features and antenna compliances.
Radio Waves Inc.,
Billerica, MA (978) 663-5777.
RF and Microwave Designer's Handbook
This 514-page handbook features cascadable, microwave and limiting amplifiers; signal limiters; attenuators; linearizers; frequency doublers; and image-reject and RF/microwave mixers. Product photographs are included. Specifications and outline drawings are provided.
Stellex Microwave Systems (formerly Watkins-Johnson Co.),
Palo Alto, CA (800) 321-8075.
Hermetic Glass-to-metal Seal Catalog
The 18-page catalog describes straight-body, flanged-body, 50 W, capacitor and specially designed feedthrus; hybrid and microcircuit module packages; machined, coined and stamped modules; and soldered assemblies. Product photographs and recommended popular feedthru assembly methods are included.
Hampstead, NH (603) 329-4050.
High Power Solid-state Amplifier Product Guide
This eight-page product guide details amplifiers that operate in the 10 MHz to 18 GHz frequency range from 1 to 1000 W, including the feedforward gain module, L-band GaAs FET high power amplifier modules, and S-, C-, X- and Ku-band GaAs FET high power amplifier modules. Product photographs and specifications are included.
Wavesat Inc.,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada (514) 739-9918.
Microwave and mm-wave Component Catalog
This catalog overviews the company's microwave and mm-wave components, including coax, microstrip, waveguide and drop-in isolators/circulators; 50 MHz to 325 GHz power meters; 10 MHz to 100 GHz antennas; and 18 MHz to 110 GHz waveguide parts, including attenuators, ends, couplers, detectors, loads, shorts and tees.
Dorado International Corp.,
Seattle, WA (206) 583-0000.
Amplifier, Subsystem and Component Integration Brochure
This brochure details the company's range of octave and multi-octave broadband RF and microwave amplifiers for production test, medical and testing applications; 40 GHz subsystems; and component integration. Specifications, product photographs and ordering information are provided.
Wessex Electronics,
Downend, Bristol, UK (0117) 957-1404.
PCB Prototyping Catalog
This 12-page catalog describes the ProtoMat series circuit board plotters designed for circuit board fabrication; the CircuitCAM software designed for interfacing to computer-aided design systems; and the BoardMaster software designed for controlling circuit board plotters. Product photographs and screen shots are provided.
LPKF CAD/CAM Systems Inc.,
Beaverton, OR (800) 345-5753 or (503) 643-0604.
Cable Assembly Catalog
This 12-page catalog overviews cable assemblies, including stainless, copper, straight, cryogenic and low loss flex versions. Product photographs, outline drawings and specifications are included.
SSI Cable Corp.,
Shelton, WA (360) 426-5719.
High Performance Filter and Diplexer Cata log
This catalog includes data sheets on high performance filters and diplexers, including surface-mount, combline, miniature, custom ceramic, low pass, high pass, bandpass and band stop models that operate from DC to 40 GHz. Outline drawings and product photographs are provided. Specifications are included.
Microwave Circuits Inc.,
Washington, DC (800) 642-2587.
1998 Passive Component Handbook
This 164-page handbook describes the company's passive components, including phase adjusters, precision coaxial and waveguide terminations, coaxial attenuators, hybrid housings, gain amplitude equalizers, DC block connectors and coaxial switches. Special products and services are detailed. Connector specifications are provided.
Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH,
Munich, Germany (49) (89) 354-804-0.
Switch Product Catalog
This 150-page catalog describes the company's electromechanical switches operating from DC to 26.5 GHz with waveguide options to 70 GHz. Product photographs and specifications are provided. RF characteristics, connectors and part numbers are listed.
Dow-Key Microwave Corp.,
Ventura, CA (805) 650-0260.
Single-layer Capacitor Catalog
This 12-page catalog details mm-wavelength single-layer capacitors, including the company's 111 and 116 series Microcap," 112 series B-Trim" and 113 series Twin-Caps" capacitors. Listings of capacitor design value kits and a design guide are provided.
American Technical Ceramics Corp. (ATC),
Huntington Station, NY (516) 547-5700.
Test Station and Accessory Catalog
This 12-page catalog details test stations, including analytical, semi-automatic, manual and specialty probing stations; and accessories, including manipulators, light-tight enclosures, probe card holders, chucks, adapters and laser cutters.
The Micromanipulator Company Inc.,
Carson City, NV (800) 654-5659 or (702) 882-2400.