Advantech Wireless Inc., a privately-held Canadian corporation and manufacturer of satellite, RF equipment and microwave systems will give a live demo of the Next Generation Discovery Adaptive Satellite Access Technology (A-SAT™) platform at NAB 2014, which will take place April 7 – 10, 2014, in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. At the Advantech Wireless booth no. SU7113, visitors will find Advantech Wireless’ ground-breaking technologies, delivering best performance, maximum bandwidth utilization and major savings.

Maximum satellite bandwidth efficiency and radical CAPEX and OPEX cost-savings

A-SAT™ is beyond dual mode DVB-RCS/TDMA-SCPC, it monitors channel utilization and switches the satellite access method and MODCOD seamlessly for the return channel to dynamically maximize the space segment utilization efficiency. Additionally, by having TDMA and true SCPC technologies in a single platform, the switch between traffic patterns is efficiently supported and all risks of equipment obsolescence are mitigated.

“The Advantech Wireless A-SAT™ technology is revolutionizing the satellite communications industry. The key driver for our innovations is to meet defined business outcomes for our customers,” says John Landovskis, VP PLM & Business Development, VSAT & Modem Products.  “We are working with solid business cases and targeted business results and our solutions are delivering maximum satellite bandwidth efficiency and radical CAPEX and OPEX cost-savings to our customers".

During this demonstration Advantech Wireless will show multiple calls, from several VoIP phones over a TDMA channel and how streaming video behaves over TDMA versus SCPC return channels. Visitors will see the FTP Performance and how VoIP calls can be sustained as the Discovery Hub switches between TDMA and SCPC (and between SCPC and TDMA).

Set up a meeting with the comapny's experts and discuss how they can help you minimize your CAPEX and OPEX in your VSAT Networks by visiting: