AWR Corp., the innovation leader in high-frequency EDA software, announces the release of V11 Analyst-MP™ - multiphysics finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic (EM) analysis software. Analyst-MP is an application-specific product offering from AWR that leverages the capabilities within its Analyst™ 3D FEM EM simulation and analysis software while targeting big, multiphysics applications like particle accelerators.
Analyst-MP’s diverse and unique solver technologies are the result of more than a decade of development in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This powerful software has thus been employed to analyze extremely complex high-frequency, multiphysics structures at U.S. national labs/accelerators as well as for the design of X- and L-band accelerators at Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK).
To download the Analyst-MP datasheet or to view an RF deflector cavity animation as simulated within Analyst-MP software, visit: