On personal, national and international levels, the defence and security industry protects citizens, offers reassurance, shapes societies and provides employment. Over the years, the emphasis has shifted with priorities, technologies and financial investment changing with the times. The Defence and Security Forum, now in its fourth year and a one and a half day event in 2013, aims to reflect how the sector has evolved. For the first time the forum will incorporate commercial applications in order to show the differences and commonalities between markets, with special emphasis being given to differences and similarities between the two major radar applications today – defence and automotive.
While defence has utilized this sensor capability for years with improved techniques and performance, the automotive radar sensor market has begun to boom and exhibit a tremendous increase in volume over recent years. This huge success raises the question of whether both markets exist independently or if cross-fertilization can be expected.
Consequently, this year’s forum will address such questions and try to provide information from both markets regarding developments, technical requirements, production techniques, quality assurance measures and future trends. The program is also well embedded into the other sessions of the various EuMW conferences, which it complements – namely the EuMIC Closing Session and the EuRAD Opening Session.
The Forum Format
The forum will begin on Tuesday 8 October with a session (13:50-15:30) that will consider: Development and production requirements for automotive and military radar. Here experts on radar manufacturing from the different markets will present their views on the various volume production aspects and trends for the next generation of radar manufacturing. Methods applied by the different industries for quality assurance (testing and qualification, PPAP, change management) will also be addressed. It will be followed at 16:00-17:40 by the EuMIC Closing Session.
Wednesday 9 October will begin with the Microwave Journal Industry Panel Session (08:30-10:10), which will address: Defence and automotive radar – differences and commonalities. Speakers will demonstrate how microwave technology is meeting the design and test challenges facing those at the forefront of innovation, including developments that are significant today and those perceived for the future. These initiatives will then be discussed by the industry panel who will also take questions from the floor. The morning will conclude with the EuRAD Opening Session (10:40-12:20)
The Strategy Analytics Lunch & Learn Session (12:30-13:30) will add a further dimension to the defence and automotive radar theme by offering a market analysis perspective, illustrating the status, development and potential of the market.
The 13:50-15:30 session will consider: Experience and future expectations regarding automotive and military radars. Although radar sensors were originally developed for military purposes, their use is increasingly entering into everyday life. This session reports on the experiences obtained with such sensors. Advantages, weaknesses and further operational aspects will be described by users of highly sophisticated defence radars as well as low cost automotive radars and other applications.
The early evening (16:00-17:40) Executive Forum will feature executives from defence and security agencies and leading companies as well as experts and executives from companies involved in automotive radars. They will discuss the challenges and trends of the future and will further elaborate on their views regarding the cross-fertilization, in development and production, between these different market sectors.
The day’s proceedings will conclude with a cocktail reception which will give delegates the unique opportunity to discuss the issues raised in an informal setting.
Registration and Updates
Attendance is free and open to all EuMW 2013 conference delegates, exhibitors and visitors. However, to help with logistics and planning those wishing to attend the 2013 Defence and Security Forum are asked to pre-register. To do so, please visit www.eumweek.com/2013/special.asp and click on registration.
As information is formalized, the Conference Special Events selection of the EuMW website will give details of the speakers for all sessions and will be updated on a regular basis.