ABF Elettronica is a relatively young company of just twenty years. The main manufacturing is at our Italian headquarters but since 2004 the company has turned its attention to the new opportunities of integration provided by emerging East European countries. Consequently, we have recently built a plant in Romania, in conjunction with strategic suppliers with which we have been cooperating for several years.
Following on from this initiative we now need to reach as wide an audience as possible to inform the industry of our expertise, capabilities and, of course, the products we manufacture. That is why European Microwave Week is important for ABF, since it is an international event that will enable us to improve our international image.
It also allows us the opportunity to exhibit our products, particularly the WiMAX devices we developed for a major European customer, and to show off our state of the technology we employ to design and manufacture passive components such as filters, duplexers and microwave subsystems, and active components including up/down converters using thermo bonding, wire bonding and chip on board techniques
From the commercial point of view, EuMW offers a platform to acquire new contacts for future collaborations, meet potential customers, compare different products and have direct dialogue with customers to discuss their specific requirements. From a technical standpoint, the event is very important for our engineers because they can share experience and knowledge with other international engineers, compare solutions and approaches, and even present papers.
For ABF participation at EuMW is a way to confirming our position in the market, meet a wider international audience with the intention of widening our customer base and ultimately increasing volume sales. To find out more about us visit Stand 232.