At the innagural EDI CON taking place March 12 through 14 at the Beijing International convention Center, Bertram R. Arbesser-Rastburg, who served as the Chairman of the European Microwave Week in Amsterdam this past October, will share his insights on the future of microwave technology for satellite communication and navigation systems in his presentation, “Microwaves in Space - a European Perspective”. Arbesser-Rastburg will give examples of advanced microwave technology use in Earth observation, telecommunications and navigation. This talk will explore how Earth observation microwave instruments are used for active remote sensing (like synthetic aperture radars, cloud radars and altimeters) and for passive observations (radiometers and profilers extending up to hundreds of GHz). The presentation's full abstract is below.
Microwaves play a vital role in all space endeavours - from controlling spacecraft to bringing information back to ground. Europe has been engaged in developing space infrastructure for more than 40 years, spanning from telecommunication satellites to launchers. In 1975 the European Space Agency was created to pursue a coordinated space programme in Europe. Today this programme covers the fields of space science, telecommunications, earth observation, navigation, manned space and launchers. In addition, a dedicated technology programme is developing critical technologies needed for space missions. The presentation is giving examples for advanced microwave technology used in Earth observation, telecommunications and navigation. In Earth observation microwave instruments are used for active remote sensing (like synthetic aperture radars, cloud radars and altimeters) and for passive observations (radiometers and profi lers extending up to hundreds of GHz). In telecommunications the challenge is to maximize the capacity of the existing frequency allocations, requiring multi-beam antennas operating at high power levels. In satellite navigation the stability of the navigation signals is one of the challenges.