NEC Corp. has signed a global framework contract with Telenor, the Norwegian fixed and mobile telecommunications operator, for the supply of a long-haul, large capacity telecommunication backbone, SDH microwave communication systems (the 3000/5000 Series), point-to-point access microwave radio systems (the Pasolink Series) and related services such as installation and commissioning.

This contract is one of four covering the Telenor Group's 12 majority-owned affiliates, which include operators such as Pannon GSM Telecommunications Ltd. of Hungary and GrameenPhone Ltd. of Bangladesh, India. Due to the rapid expansion of mobile and broadband markets, especially in Asia, the total demand of the Group's dozen operators for microwave communication systems is estimated to be over 7,000 links.

This agreement is just the latest between the two companies that began when NEC established business in the area of microwave communication systems with Telenor in 1980, since when the company has delivered approximately 1,100 sets of its 3000 Series and 15,000 sets of its Pasolink Series. This framework agreement is claimed to be attributable to NEC's close relationships with its customers, its long-standing experience in the field, high level of maintenance services, advanced and high quality technologies and its leading position in the global microwave communication systems market.