e2v has enhanced it’s authorised Channel Partner programme to ensure customers anywhere in the world have a secure route to buy authentic semiconductor products and protect themselves from the ever-increasing problem of counterfeit material entering the supply chain.
Counterfeit semiconductors are problematic as they are generally substandard or waste products, and their use consistently results in equipment failure. For critical-use applications the consequences can be dire. This issue of counterfeits is especially prevalent in the military and aerospace semiconductor community, where the need for discontinued and obsolete device parts forces contractors to search the globe for missing components, often resulting in limited choices and leading to risky part acquisition.
All e2v and QP semiconductor products are produced from original wafer sources and manufactured to e2v specifications using qualified assembly and test processes, including QML class Q and class V approvals. To ensure product performance in demanding applications, e2v maintains strict procedures for product traceability including disposal of non-conforming parts and compliance with international export regulations. To ensure that customers can be confident that they are buying authentic products, e2v has a number of authorised Channel Partners, who have full access to the e2v product database and receive full support from e2v in terms of export compliance.
Richard Gibbs director of high-rel semiconductor solutions at e2v said “e2v prides itself in providing an excellent service to our customers. We have been successful in supporting our Channel Partners around the world in identifying counterfeit product and ensuring that customers have a legitimate route to buy approved product through authorised channels.”
For a full list of e2v authorised Channel Partners visit e2v.com/sale-contacts.