Passive RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits
Leo G. Maloratsky
Newnes — An imprint of Elsevier
368 pages; $69.99
ISBN: 0-7506-7699-X
The last four decades have been marked by the rapid development of RF and microwave integrated circuits, which offer the advantages of compact, lightweight designs with enhanced performance, higher reliability and low cost. This book focuses on the fundamentals of integrated RF and microwave passive circuits and control devices. After the Chapter 1 introduction, Chapter 2 describes planar transmission lines for MICs. These lines are broadband, while providing compact dimensions and lightweight, and are generally economical to produce for hybrid and monolithic integrated circuits. Chapter 3 covers coupled lines, which are very useful and widely applied structures providing the basis for many types of components and devices. Chapter 4 discusses distributed and lumped element integrated circuits, including novel terminations and planar inductors. Chapters 5 and 6 describe a wave approach to the analysis of multi-port networks, and calculations of symmetrical two-, three- and four-port circuits. The analysis and synthesis of printed directional couplers and novel miniature RF couplers are given in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 discusses printed dividers and combiners and offers some new circuit approaches. Chapters 7 and 8 also give detailed analyses of the effects of termination mismatching, transmission line losses, fabrication tolerances and discontinuities. Different modern miniature filters including the novel wiggly coupled lines BPF and irregular lines LPF are discussed in Chapter 9. Diode control devices (switches, attenuators, limiters) are described in Chapter 10. Chapter 11 presents digital and analog phase shifters using PIN diodes, varactor diodes, irregular lines and ferrite materials. Isolators, circulators and new concepts for the design of nonreciprocal devices are considered in Chapter 12. Several examples of microwave integrated subassemblies, using passive components and control devices, are described in Chapter 13. Chapter 14 shows the principal concepts of design and fabrication technology for RF and microwave integrated circuits.
To order this book, contact: Elsevier, 11830 Westline Industrial Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146 (800) 545-2512.
Intermodulation Distortion in Microwave and Wireless Circuits
Jose Carlos Pedro and Nuno Borges Carvalho
Artech House Inc.
432 pages; $125, £88
ISBN: 1-58053-356-6
It is widely recognized by engineers and scholars that the vast majority of electronic and telecommunications engineering programs almost exclusively address linear circuits and systems, leaving uncovered the effects of nonlinearity. This book provides tutorial coverage of the basic aspects of nonlinearity, nonlinear analysis tools and circuit design methods. It is intended for engineers working in RF and microwave circuit design, researchers, academics and graduate students. Chapter 1 starts by addressing the intermodulation distortion problem in the most general terms and from a system’s perspective. Chapter 2 deals with nonlinear distortion characterization from a practical point of view. It presents the most commonly used distortion figures of merits as defined from one-tone, two-tone and multi-tone tests and their corresponding laboratory test set-ups. Chapter 3 is dedicated to nonlinear analysis mathematical tools. Although its emphasis is mainly theoretical, it also provides an overview of the methods now available for nonlinear analysis of practical circuits and systems. Since nonlinear distortion analysis requires the use of extensive computer aided design tools, models of the electronic components, circuits and systems play a determinant role on the success of any analysis or design procedure. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the mathematical representation of these electronic devices. Finally, Chapter 5 addresses circuit design methods for distortion minimization. It starts with a systemic view of the signal-to-noise ratio problem, to recall the traditional discussion on dynamic range optimization and highly linear low noise amplifier design. Subsequently, nonlinear distortion generated in high power amplifiers is addressed. Because of the importance of RF and microwave mixers as nonlinear distortion sources, Chapter 5 also addresses the analysis of these circuits. It concludes with an analysis of distortion arising in balanced circuits, providing the design engineer with the basic information to direct the most practical designs.
To order this book, contact: Artech House Inc., 685 Canton St., Norwood, MA 02062 (781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or 46 Gillingham St., London SW1V 1HH UK +44 (0) 207-8750.