Multi-Octave GaN RF Power Amplifiers
MITEQ’s AMFG family of GaN power amplifiers covers frequency ranges more than ten octaves wide. High impedances of these devices allow for excellent port match and gain flatness over very wide bandwidths. Inherent robustness of the device technology enables these amplifiers to withstand very high base temperatures or surges in RF or DC power without compromising their reliability.
The Model AMFG-3F-00030400-60-32P operates from 30 MHz to 4 GHz, has over 40 dB gain, typical ±1.5 dB flatness, P1dB of over 32 dBm and a Psat of 34 dBm typical. IP3 is typically 40 dBm. It is available in small connectorized aluminum alloy housing, 6 cm long, 7.3 cm wide and 2.5 cm high, requires a single 30V DC supply and draws about 600 mA. It has a built-in over/reverse voltage, temperature and current protection. Port VSWRs are less than 2:1 for the whole band, able to withstand full reflection.
The operational temperature range is -40 to +65°C at base. Noise figure is near 5dB and flat. In the same footprint and outline, MITEQ offers other models covering 30 MHz to 3 GHz at 33 dBm, 0.7-3.8 GHz at 36 dBm, a radio band module at 230-250 MHz at 37 dBm and others.
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