Compact X-Band Power Amplifiers

Compact X-Band PAs for Portable and Airborne Radar.
MITEQ has introduced a new line of low profile, lightweight and small volume high power X-Band amplifiers. The new PA family offers a unique combination of features and performance in an extremely small footprint. The high speed pulsed DC feature and 12 V supply allows for extremely efficient operation suitable for high temperature, portable or airborne applications.
Numerous models cover 8.5 to 10.5 GHz, in various sub-bands up to 1 GHz wide, with power levels of 8 to 12W. The AMF-5B-08500960-25-40P-PLS for example delivers 10 W of peak power, with negligible droop, for pulses over 100 usec, and with proper heat sinking CW. Output is isolator protected, and supply is TTL controlled with better than 200 nsec rise and fall times, with off state drawing less than 100 mA. PA has a gain of 40 dB, ±1.5 dB flat, and noise figure of 2.5 dB. Input and output VSWRs are 1.5:1. PA may draw up to 6A from a 12V DC supply.
A detector output is also available that directly samples the output power. PA also has warning and alarm features that monitor the internal average temperature and current peaks. The housing is approximately 10 cm long, 6 cm wide and 1.4 cm high.
The AMF-5B-09701030-25-41-PLS model delivers 12 W for example from 9.7 to 10.3 GHz, while the AMF-5B-09501050-25-39P-PLS delivers 8 W from 9.5 to 10.5 GHz, all in the same profile.