AWR Visual System Simulator™ Software Version 2009

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — October 12, 2009 — AWR, the innovation leader in high-frequency electronic design automation (EDA), today announced Version 2009 of its Visual System Simulator (VSS) software for the end-to-end design and optimization of communications systems. This versatile simulation tool now supports AWR Connected™ for Rohde & Schwarz that adds real-world test signals from the company’s R&S WinIQSIM2 instrument software to the simulation to produce much greater accuracy than generic waveforms. VSS Version 2009 also features a new LTE communication library, many new RF component models and measurement enhancements that let users gain greater insight into performance of their designs throughout the design cycle.
AWR Connected for Rohde & Schwarz is the latest in the AWR Connected series of solutions that blend AWR software with the hardware or specialized software from other vendors to extend the capabilities of AWR software tools. R&S WinIQSIM2 software adds many standards-based, digitally-modulated waveforms to those already present within VSS, including 3GPP LTE, 3GPP WCDMA FDD/HSPA/HSPA+, and WiMAX. This allows designers to use test signals in the VSS simulation that are the same as the design will encounter in service. With R&S WinIQSIM2 within VSS, signals created by a signal generator are sent back into VSS so the device under test can be optimized within the software to meet the performance goals of specific wireless network standards.
The new components within VSS Version 2009 include an LTE communication library, RF switches (with P1dB and IP3 parameters), analog and digital phase shifters that use a digital control word, RF delay blocks that add frequency-dependent phase shift to signals, digital step attenuators and voltage-variable attenuators, an RF combiner and splitter, a two-input/two-output 90-deg. hybrid directional coupler, and receive and transmit antenna models.
Pricing and Availability
The pre-release of Visual System Simulator software Version 2009 is available now to qualified customers. Additional details can be obtained by viewing the “What’s New in VSS v2009” PowerPoint slide show at, or watching one of the three new videos related to VSS Version 2009 posted on AWR.TV, (“Memory effect modeling”, by Dr. Steven Maas of AWR, “VSS & WinIQSIM2”, by Justin Stallings of Rohde & Schwarz, and “LTE communication system design”, by Dr. Gent Paparisto of AWR).