HMC344LC3 and HMC253LC4 GaAs MMIC SP4T Switches
The HMC344LC3 is a GaAs MMIC SP4T Switch rated from DC to 8 GHz, exhibits low 2 dB insertion loss, and high 40 dB isolation at midband. This wideband multi-throw switch includes a 2-bit, integrated binary decoder, accepts control voltages of 0/-5V and requires a fixed bias of -5V. External level shifting circuitry allows this switch to be controlled with most TTL/CMOS logic families. The HMC253LC4 is a GaAs MMIC SP8T Switch rated from DC to 3.5 GHz, exhibits low 1.2 dB insertion loss, and high 36 dB isolation at midband. The HMC253LC4 includes a 3-bit integrated binary decoder which reduces the number of required control lines to three. This switch is controlled by TTL/CMOS control voltages, and requires a fixed bias of +5V. Both the HMC344LC3 and the HMC253LC4 exhibit fast switching speeds of less than 100 ns, and employ non-reflective topologies which deliver excellent return losses in all states.