RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification Second Edition

John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
439 pages; $99.95
ISBN: 0-470-844402-7

This book is aimed at a wide range of readers. First and foremost, it is intended for students and engineers who find themselves confronted with RFID technology for the first time. A few basic chapters are provided for this audience, describing the functionality of RFID technology and the physical and IT-related principles underlying this field. The book is also intended for practitioners who, as users, wish or need to obtain as comprehensive and detailed an overview of the various technologies, the legal framework or the possible applications of RFID as possible. The task of gathering all the scattering information on this subject in the literature is time consuming. The book aims to offer a concise source of information on the subject of RFID. It uses numerous pictures and diagrams in an attempt to give a graphic representation of RFID technology in the truest sense of the word. Particular emphasis is placed on the physical principles of RFID, which is why the chapter on this subject is by far the most comprehensive of the book. However, practical considerations are also assigned great importance. For this reason, the chapter entitled “Example Applications” is also particularly comprehensive. The market overview that was previously included has had to be omitted from the second edition of the book as the growing number of providers has made it increasingly difficult to retain an overview of the numerous transponders available on the market. However, a detailed introduction to the physical principles of UHF and microwave systems, which will become increasingly important in Europe with the approval of the corresponding frequency ranges in the 868 MHz band, has been added. The chapter on standardization has been extended in order to keep up with the rapid development in this field.

To order this book, contact: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ UK +44 1243 779777.

Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-chip Devices for Wireless Communications

Artech House Inc.
261 pages; $96, £59
ISBN: 1-58053-692-1

This book bridges the gap between the two worlds of RF and mixed-signal testing. It is aimed at a variety of audiences, such as application engineers, engineering managers, product engineers and students. The book is organized in two parts: the first informs the reader of the details of production testing; the second is written as a handbook for application engineers. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the many facets of production testing, with particular focus on the testing of RF and SOC devices. Chapter 2 introduces the devices, both RF and SOC, that this book focuses on. The cost of test is reviewed in Chapter 3. An in-depth analysis is presented with the intention to be a guide for those making decisions on how to implement final test of devices. Algorithms for production tests performed on discrete RF devices, as well as the front end of more highly integrated devices are presented in Chapter 4. Detailed descriptions of the tests, as well as algorithms in both tabular and block diagram formats are provided. Chapter 5 offers algorithms on measurements used with more highly integrated SOC devices. The tests discussed in this section are typical of those found in wireless communications. Chapter 6 is an introduction to many facets of mixed-signal testing. Common tests that are finding their way into SOC device production testing are explained. Chapter 7 covers new methods for improving the efficiency of production testing, taking it beyond simply performing the measurements faster. Chapter 8 is dedicated to the measurement of noise. Both noise figure and phase noise measurements are described. The intention of this chapter is to educate the engineer in what goes on behind the scenes of today’s easy-to-use noise figure analyzers and automated test equipment.

To order this book, contact: Artech House Inc., 685 Canton St., Norwood, MA 02062 (781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or 46 Gillingham St., London SW1V 1HH UK +44 (0) 207-8750.