Network analysis up to 325 GHz now a reality with new millimeter-wave converters from Rohde & Schwarz
Munich, September 1, 2008 —The number of favorably priced RF components that operate at extremely high frequencies is increasing. In addition, new, higher-end applications for imaging and video transmission are emerging and create a strong demand for T&M equipment in the millimeter-wave range. Rohde & Schwarz is responding to these customer needs with high-end network analyzers and millimeter-wave converters from a single source. Following the successful launch of converters for the 75 GHz to 110 GHz range, the company is now offering converters for the ranges 50 GHz to 75 GHz and 220 GHz to 325 GHz. The converters connect directly to analyzers of the R&S ZVA series as well as the R&S ZVT20: No extra hardware is required. With this new T&M equipment, even multiport measurements up to 325 GHz can be implemented for the first time.
Network analysis in the millimeter-wave range has – until now – been restricted to two-port measurements. To carry out complete multiport measurements on devices such as couplers, for example, the ports had to be reconnected because it was not possible to measure all S-parameters simultaneously. The four-port network analyzers of the R&S ZVA family together with the Rohde & Schwarz converters for the V, W and J bands for the first time enable measurements up to 325 GHz with up to four ports. Results are immediately available, and full multiport system error correction further enhances measurement accuracy.
On top of this, the converters offer maximum performance in terms of dynamic range, which exceeds 90 dB at 75 GHz and 60 dB (typ. 80 dB) at 325 GHz. This level of performance allows even high-blocking filters to be analyzed. Output power is adjustable, which facilitates tests on amplifiers in the development stage, for example.
All converters are fully integrated into the network analyzer firmware, which means they can be operated as if they were part of the base unit. Diagrams show the user how to connect the converters. A function that automatically limits output power prevents damage to the converters.
The R&S ZVA-Z325 and R&S ZVA-Z75 millimeter-wave converters and the corresponding R&S ZV-WR03 and R&S ZV-WR15 calibration kits are now available from Rohde & Schwarz.