CALGARY, Alberta - Sept. 20, 2007 - Acceleware Corp. (AXE: TSX-V), a leading developer of high-performance computing (HPC) solutions, today announced they will demonstrate hardware acceleration of a complete Kirchhoff Pre-stack Time Migration application within the HP booth (booth number 2239, pod M) during the annual Society of Exploration Geophysicists Conference (SEG), taking place Sept. 23-28, 2007 in San Antonio, Texas. Acceleware develops and markets acceleration products that bring performance increases to today's most strenuous and challenging compute and/or data-intensive demands. By combining Acceleware’s acceleration software solutions stack with NVIDIA’s Tesla GPU computing product line, geoscientists using Kirchhoff Pre-stack Time Migration software will have the ability to achieve up to an eight fold performance increase over industry standard solutions. Acceleware’s server and workstation line delivers a competitive advantage for companies where compute and data-intensive applications are central to the performance of product development cycles by enhancing the ability to effectively interpret vast amounts of data. To view a demo or speak to an Acceleware representative while at the SEG conference, please visit HP’s booth number 2239, pod M. For more information on the SEG conference please visit