Anritsu Test System First to Earn HSUPA RF/RRM Test Case Approvals from GCF
Richardson, TX (August 2007) - Anritsu Company announces that its ME7873F W-CDMA TRX/Performance Test System, which supports 3G mobile terminal conformance test, has earned the world's first HSUPA RF/RRM test case approvals from the Global Certification Forum (GCF). The approvals provide HSUPA RF/RRM device and system manufacturers with an authorized set of verification tests to ensure global inter-compatibility between HSUPA mobile terminals. It also confirms Anritsu's commitment to provide test solutions for next-generation technologies. The ME7873F delivers four new HSUPA RF test cases that allow mobile-terminal manufacturers to start developing new terminals with the assurance of 3GPP conformance. The ME7873F also received GCF approval for the four RF/RRM test cases outlined in GCF Work Item WI-024 Release-6 Enhancements, defined as key technologies for increasing downlink speeds. Obtaining the HSUPA RF/RPM test case approvals is the most recent GCF validation for Anritsu. GCF approved Anritsu's PTS protocol test system for supporting WI-025 Enhanced Uplink Release 6/WI-024 Release-6 Enhancements, offering a total solution for all RF/RRM and protocol testing for HSDPA and HSUPA. Previously, Anritsu obtained GCF approval for its test cases for the W-CDMA TRX/Performance Test System, marking a world-first for W-CDMA terminal tests. As a world leader in conformance testing, Anritsu plans to continue to deliver new GCF-approved test cases every three months for its latest, leading-edge test platform, supporting further development of global mobile services.