PITTSBURGH - Aug. 4, 2005 - Ansoft Corporation (NASDAQ: ANST) announces a new Distributed Analysis option for use with HFS™ v10, Q3D Extractor® v7 and Maxwell® 3D v11. The release of this new capability allows customers of Ansoft's industry-leading electromagnetic-field simulation software products to distribute parametric studies across available hardware to expedite EM model extraction, characterization and optimization.

The Distributed Analysis option is an effective way to increase the simulation power of HFSS, Q3D Extractor and/or Maxwell 3D available to an individual engineer. This option applies parallel computation toward the investigation of parametric design variations, saving overall analysis time while maximizing the use of existing computer hardware. This optional capability supports the splitting of multiple predefined parametric design variations and/or frequency points, the allocation and solving of each instance on a separate machine and the reassembling of the solution sets.

Distributed Analysis Features:
• Distributed Analysis is an option to HFSS v10, Q3D Extractor v7 and Maxwell 3D v11.
• Graphical user interface enables users to select computer addresses for analysis distribution.
• Automated parser management and reassembly of data
• Parametric tables and studies
• For HFSS, frequency sweeps for discrete, fast and interpolating
• Per license, Distributed Analysis allows up to 10 parallel simulations on remote machines, providing near-linear reduction of simulation run times.

Availability and Pricing

The Distributed Analysis option is available for use with HFSS, Q3D Extractor and Maxwell 3D. Contact your nearest Ansoft sales office for pricing information.