Computer Simulation Technology is previewing the new System Assembly and Modeling (SAM) environment at EuMW in booth 213.

Today’s design engineers have to deal with increasingly complex systems whose performance might be affected by the interdependence of components. Consequently, the optimization of the individual components in isolation is still important but might not suffice and an optimization of the entire system may be required. System Assembly and Modeling (SAM) provides an environment that simplifies the management of simulation projects in many ways.

SAM helps engineers to compare the results of different solvers or model configurations within one simulation project. A linked sequence of solver runs can also be initiated. All simulations and links can be defined easily in SAM to enable for example a seamless multiphysics work flow.

In addition, SAM can be used to set-up 3D systems built of various components. Simulation tasks can be defined that include single or multiple components and the user can specify which components should be simulated in 3D, and which should be represented by their S-parameters or an equivalent field source. This combination of different levels of simulation helps reduce the computational effort required to analyze a complex model accurately. If required, SAM naturally also enables users to create and simulate their system in full 3D.

"System assembly and modeling provides our customers with the flexibility to decide which part of an EM-system design is currently the main focus and to tackle it in the most effective way without having to worry about an increasing number of project files,” said Dr. Peter Thoma, Managing Director, R&D, CST.