Using NMDG extension kits for vector network analysers, the user is able to characterise the nonlinear behaviour of HF components in time and frequency domain under realistic conditions, even in a non-50 Ohm environment. However, from an engineering point of view, the large signal network analyser (LSNA) techniques are often new and seem complex. One of NMDG's primary missions is then helping engineers to understand and to take benefit of the LSNA techniques at an affordable cost.
Therefore, NMDG is releasing the NM310S, a cost-efficient nonlinear starter kit, allowing engineers to make their first steps in the nonlinear world with their vector network analyser. The NM310S Starter Kit is a software/hardware combination, enabling the VNA to characterise in time and frequency domain the harmonic behavioural of active components from 20 MHz to 3 GHz. It supports a selection of four-port Agilent and Rohde & Schwarz vector network analysers given the proper options.
Once acquainted, engineers will be able to extend, with incremental investment, the capability of their system to support the design and test efforts of their company or institute. Amongst others, they will then be able to perform nonlinear measurements under non-50 Ohm environment by using passive and/or active tuners.
To celebrate this release, NMDG gives one the opportunity to win a NM310S Starter Kit during the European Microwave Week 2011 show. To qualify, candidates need to visit NMDG at the Rohde & Schwarz booth 201 during the exhibition show. The winner will be selected amongst the qualified candidates and will be officially announced by half of November.