Upon returning to Baltimore for Autotestcon 2011 three months after IMS2011, the experience was (per Yogi Berra) like déjà vu all over again. From the convention center to the Jimmy John’s sandwich shop around the corner, every thing felt very familiar. And inside the exhibition space there were plenty of familiar faces and companies at this IEEE show hosted by the Aerospace and Electronic Systems and the Instrumentation and Measurement Societies.
One clear benefit of this collaboration is the very noticeable attendance of both vendor and end-user. So while many of the test and measurement folks I expect to see at an MTT-S event were present, I also saw lots of prime contractors and government agency folks participating as actual exhibitors. Not being one of the major microwave shows for components (e.g. IMS or EuMW), the test equipment vendors were light on major new product announcements. However, many were prepared with demos that targeted the specific ATE requirements of the aerospace and defense markets.
Our first stop was with Aeroflex, where I spoke with Application Specialist, Steve Chisham. Equipment being featured in the half dozen Aeroflex demo stands included:
• The 7200 Configurable Automated Test Set (CATS) platform, part of their 7000 Series product family. This auto test-set COTS “ATE in a Box” provides manufacturers and users of software defined radio (SDR) avionics, radar, and other advanced devices with state-of-the-art synthetic instrumentation. The box covers frequencies from DC to 6 GHz (standard) with options up to 40 GHz, ultra-wide instantaneous bandwidths (90 MHz standard, options up to 500 MHz), robust packaging and an easy to use touch screen user interface. Instrument functions include: RF Signal Generator and Tracking Generator, RF Measurement Receiver , Power Meter , Spectrum Analyzer , Digital Oscilloscope , Audio Generator and Analyzer , Digital Multi-meter , Distortion Meter , SINAD Meter , Frequency Counter , Bit Error Rate (BER) Meter , and Frequency Reference
• The CS9000 Broadband Signal Analyzer featuring wide bandwidth and deep memory RF/Baseband signal analyzers, employing the latest synthesizer technology for excellent phase noise combined with fast frequency and level settling time. The SGA employs a large touch-screen user-interface to provide a signal generator with unparalleled ease of use. With such a small form-factor, the SGA is equally at home in the field as it is in the laboratory or a production line. The modular approach to this box allows two boxes to be mounted together to fit nicely into a rack. This SGA is expected to replace the company’s popular 2030 and 2040 series generators, which are being end of life.
• I saw an impressive demo of the company’s cool half-million dollar network analyzer. This one unit was capable of measuring all standard high power nonlinear measurements performed on microwave devices such as power compression, intermodulation distortion, EVM, etc., Grouping all this measurement functionality in one box allows the company to offer an alternative to multiple dedicated test equipment. The box could also be automated to rapidly measure diverse test conditions, sweeps, measurement types, etc.
• Aeroflex's ALT-8000 is the world's first RF-based portable radio altimeter flightline test set. It only weighs about 10 lbs (4.5 kg) with a large 12-inch color touch screen making it easy to use. The ALT-8000 is a universal test set for 4.3 GHz FMCW (frequency modulated continuous carrier wave) radio altimeters and pulse radio altimeters. The simulator is also designed to be software upgradable.
• The SMART^E 5000™ test environment provides a modular approach for implementing multi- function configurable (and reconfigurable) test systems. A SMART^E™ RF sub-system, at about the size of a microwave synthesizer, can perform measurements that require five or more separate RF/microwave instruments.
Agilent Technologies’ message was one of being “platform agnostic”, meaning they are able to provide the test solution needed in the form (PXI or rack and stack module) that best suits the end user. To prove it, the company had no less than eight different demos operating at once.
• We started our tour with Agilent's new PXIe Optical Link Modules. The PXIe modules consist of an optical transmitter, an optical receiver, a USB to optical port, an optical to USB four-port hub and a test port. The demonstration illustrates how engineers can replace lossy coaxial cables with optical cables thereby enabling RF and microwave measurements with minimal power loss over 1000 meters. This eliminates the need for large expensive power amplifiers that might be required for testing remote hardware and performing difficult calibration routines.
• The M9036A PXIe Embedded Controller and the M9018A chassis allowed the company to demonstrate extremely high PXI throughput with up to 8 GB/sec of system bandwidth with dual x8 express links. This will allow engineers to integrate legacy PXI instruments into the hybrid slots of the chassis in order to handle the most demanding RF, uW and streaming applications. The controller can also operate in a four-link configuration, providing compatibility with existing PXIe chassis.
• The company was featuring their 33522A 30-MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator with its flexible, dual-channel mode with frequency and amplitude coupling, differential channels, and combined output channels. The precise functions and true point-by-point arbitrary waveforms are alias-protected for exceptional accuracy. The generator has a large graphical display that allows for simultaneous parameter setup, signal viewing and editing.
• For engineers who need to make continuous wide bandwidth RF and microwave measurements for extended periods without signal loss, the Agilent M9392A vector signal analyzer and the M9202A wideband IF digitizer now provide this data streaming capability. The M9392A PXI vector signal analyzer and M9202A digitizer were shown combined to deliver the industry's highest bandwidth PXI data streaming capability. Data streaming over long durations enables the user to capture, detect, then analyze the complex, time-varying signals, using Agilent's 89600B vector signal analysis software.
• The M9168C DC to 26.5 GHz PXI programmable step attenuator module on display offered 0.03 dB insertion loss repeatability throughout the operating life of 5 million cycles per section. The M9168C offers a broad attenuation range of 0 to 101 dB with 1 dB step and provides attenuation accuracy (+/-0.4 dB at 26.5 GHz) across a wide temperature range.
• Also on the component side, Agilent's N1810/1/2x, 40/50/67 GHz SPDT/Bypass switches now operate up to 67 GHz. The switches offer an exceptional 0.05 dB insertion loss repeatability and are ideal for radar and satellite test, wireless-HDMI, microwave backhaul radio, and high-speed digital design applications.
• In addition to the company’s full complement of handheld spectrum and network analyzers (Field Fox), Agilent was highlighting their growing family of PXI digital multimeters. The new M9181A is a 61/2 digit PXI DMM that offers basic measurement features at a competitive price point for test engineers in aerospace/defense, electronic manufacturing and the automotive industry.
Agilent continues to focus on technology refresh and migration from older microwave test equipment that anchored many ATE systems as far back as the 1970’s. Because many users don’t have the capability or authorization to modify the TPS (Test Program Sets), Agilent has replicated the firmware of its legacy test equipment as well as its competitors. The demo shown here highlights software written for legacy HP products such as the 8566B spectrum analyzer and 83732A signal generator running on Agilent newest PXA Performance Signal Analyzer and PSG Performance Signal Generator. Agilent’s Autotestcon paper 21st Century Strategies for Minimizing Cost of Test Ownership while Maximizing Availability and Technology Refresh for Test and Measurement Assets, co-developed with ElectroRent Corp, addresses this issue. More information can be found at www.agilent.com/find/techrefresh
Rohde & Schwarz
Test instruments used in commercial test systems for applications such as testing of mobile radio base stations typically have a much higher lifespan than the test system itself. According to Rohde & Schwarz, the typical usage for commercial test systems prior to replacement is five to seven years.

In contrast, test systems for use in aerospace & defense (A&D) applications can have a typical lifespan of 25 years or even more. An obvious question is how to handle maintenance, repair, calibration and even replacement of the instruments that are no longer supported by their manufacturer. Moreover, the test program sets (TPS) used in such test systems are generally certified, which makes it very time-consuming and costly to modify and reaccept them. R&S is aggressively addressing this problem with their Legacy Pro products. Rohde & Schwarz offers signal generators as well as spectrum and network analyzers that understand the existing code written for your test system. Replace your discontinued instrumentation, relying on perfect code emulation and long-term support.
At AutoTestCon, R&S had a side by side comparison of a new R&S system performing the same measurement and obtaining the same results as a 25+ year old HP Spectrum analyzer and signal generator (only much faster). The Journal will be featuring this topic presented by R&S in an upcoming webinar. And more information may be found on their web site at Legacy Pro.
The company was showing off their latest in signal generators. The R&S®SGS100A is an RF source designed to meet the requirements of automated test systems. It is available as a CW source or as a vector signal generator with an integrated I/Q modulator. With its frequency range of up to 6 GHz, the vector signal generation version covers the essential digital signals. The CW version, with a range of up to 12.75 GHz, can be used as a flexible local oscillator as well as for interference testing against mobile radio standards. The form factor both competes and cooperates with platforms based on PXI solutions. Highlights include:
• Smallest fully integrated vector signal generator on the market, space-saving design for system integration
• Enables high throughput due to very short frequency and level setting times of typ. 280 μs via PCIe interface
• Excellent RF performance in a compact format
• Maximum output level of typ. +22 dBm for compensating losses in the setup
• Closed ALC loop for CW and I/Q modes for highest level repeatability
In addition, the company was featuring a demo of the R&S®AFQ100B generating an IQ data waveform that was up-converted to RF. With a bandwidth of 528 MHz (RF), the AFG100B is the correct choice for applications that require high bandwidth, supporting broadband digital communications systems such as UWB (ultra-wideband) or Aerospace & Defence (A&D) radar applications where signals with extremely short pulses and short rise and fall times might be needed.
Rohde & Schwarz was also featuring their line of hand held measurement instruments, including the rugged and handy FSH4/FSH8 spectrum analyzers.
Wireless Telecom
I was pleased to run into our good friend Bob Muro of Wireless Telecom Group shortly after entering the exhibition floor space. Bob was very pleased to talk about the company’s new reference guide: Principles of Power Measurement, which at a quick glance looks to be a very useful collection of application notes and measurement tutorials/best practices. The guide was available to show attendees and will be made available to the public shortly. Wireless Telecom also had a number of new product demos for Boonton and Noisecom including:
• A demo utilizing White Gaussian Noise as a precision reference for calibration and frequency response analysis. Constant power over a linear frequency range can be utilized for a huge variety of test and measurement applications and allow engineers to replace their signal generators with calibrated White Gaussian Noise sources.
• A solution to optimize digital signal transmissions and modulation schemes for high throughput and the best QoS. Automated Signal to Noise measurements and monitoring. Noisecom’s CNG-EbNo allows the user to simulate challenging up & downlink conditions.
• The company offers RF Power Meters with full 14 bits of measurement range supporting high dynamic RF power measurements without range switching. Why true peak power measurements are far superior to diode detectors. Boonton 4500B and 4540 RF Power Analyzers were both on display. The 4500B Peak Power Analyzer has been totally redesigned from the inside out. The 4540 Series is the instrument of choice for capturing, displaying and analyzing RF power in both the time and statistical domains. Applications include pulsed RF signals such as radar, TDMA and GSM, pseudorandom or noise-like signals such as CDMA, WLAN and WiMAX.
• Boonton's Amplifier Test BenchTM software is designed for efficient and accurate test, verification and analysis of filters and RF amplifiers, including linear, telecommunication and high power amplifiers. The software is equally suited for pulsed, continuous or random (noise-like signals). It measures input and output power simultaneously, very fast and with highest precision. It also analyses ratios like gain over frequency or gain over input power and generates plots of the results. VSWR measurements with directional bridge are also supported by this software.
MegaPhase LLC
MegaPhase offers a wide range of T&M cables for precision RF/Microwave measurements through 70 GHz, including the popular RF OrangeR, featuring "the lowest cost per measurement" and MegaPhaseR VN Series test port extension cables for the ultimate phase stability. Other products include adapters and torque wrenches.
The company was experience a steady stream of interested exhibition attendees with their various cable solutions. The MegaPhase® Oasis Kit was of particular interest to the aerospace and defense minded attendees. This kit offers an end-to-end solution of cables and adapters for field testing of avionics, base stations, shipboard antennas and other demanding applications that require rugged, stable, high reliability RF cables and adapters. The kit contains a full set of tools to interchange various adapters—both in- and between-series—to various length cables available through 4 GHz. (Higher available upon request) The adapters are provided in a rugged case, and are easy to remove in any weather—with or without gloves.
RT Logic
Mark Lombardi, Project Manager at RT Logic was on hand to show off the company’s T400CS Real Time Channel Simulator. This powerful, yet economical communications link simulator addresses a broad range of IF and RF hardware-in-the-loop test, operational, and training applications.
The T400CS creates RF and/or IF signals that precisely match those that occur when transmitters and receivers are in motion with respect to one another. By accurately duplicating the motion effects and RF channel physics effects on an RF link, the T400CS allows bench testing of what once required actual motion and distance between a transmitter and receiver.
T400CS channel effects include physics-compliant, phase-continuous, real-time carrier and signal Doppler shift, range delay, range attenuation, fading, and noise. In addition, multiple test and/or interference signals can be generated with the optional multi-channel Signal Generator. A comprehensive selection of upconverters and downconverters are also available, allowing signals to be generated or received in a wide range of frequency bands (UHF, L, S, C, X, and Ku).
The company’s demo of satellite Earth imagery with and without properly addressing channel effects caught the eyes of many folks passing by the booth. There’s something about watching the Earth disappearing behind a field of snowy static that resonates with most engineers - at least the ones who grew up watching Star Trek.
dBm Corporation
In a similar product category, dBm Corporation was on hand to show off their Satellite Link Emulator. Despite a painful, jackhammer related injury to his right hand, Mike Cagney - VP of sales & marketing was pressing the flesh with show attendees interested in the company’s products, including the SLE900. This emulator provides wider bandwidth, improved noise floor, and also adds optional AWGN and multipath fading with up to 6 taps per channel over the previous SLE700 model.
The instrument can be configured with 1 to 4 channels. There are three RF bandwidths currently available: 20 MHz, 72 MHz, and 125 MHz. The standard center frequency is 140 MHz, and 70 MHz is also available. Parameters can be set to fixed values in Static mode, or continuously changed in real time in Dynamic mode without any phase discontinuities. Ephemeris data files are downloaded via an ethernet connection and stored internally in solid state memory. These dynamic files can have playback rates from 1 Hz to 1000 Hz, and can be run forward, reverse, continuously looped, or single stepped.
National Instruments
National Instruments supplies essential technologies for designing automated test and measurement systems -- from test development and management software to high-performance PXI modular instrumentation. Our approach of offering software-defined instruments based on the PXI hardware platform and NI LabVIEW™ graphical system design software, provides engineers with a highly-productive and cost-effective set of tools for building the next generation test and measurement systems.
Argosy Component Sales
I had a nice visit with Marc Sweet of Argosy Component Sales, an RF and Microwave component distributor in the Pacific Northwest (US and Canada), with local inventory of thousands of products including attenuators, terminations, coaxial assemblies, directional couplers, splitters and dividers. Sharing the booth with a representative from their premier line - Aeroflex/Weinschel, Argosy is also the authorized distributor of quality products from Argosy Cable, Ducommun Technologies, EZ Form Cable, I-PEX, MP Devices, Telegartner, XMA Corp, and Yantel Corp. In addition they carry a large inventory of Amphenol Connex, Aeroflex/Inmet, and Radiall.
Maury Microwave
I wrapped up my quick visit with Steve Manning from Maury Microwave. Steve is the director of sales and marketing for the components group, which includes precision airlines, open, short, sliding and fixed terminations as well as two-port mismatch standard sets. I was particularly impressed with their new "Quick Test" QT3.5mm adapter series.
These are push on/pull off 3.5mm adapters designed for long life and excellent repeatability. The in-series adapters adapt from standard 3.5mm (f) to one of four optional QT3.5mm connector configurations including the: "No nut", 3/8" nut, 9/16" nut and the guide sleeve designs. The 3/8" and 9/16" nut designs are quick connect 1-1/2 turn connectors providing the best of both worlds by allowing the push on/pull off capability and a threaded connection when necessary.
In the past push on/pull off 3 adapters have had lackluster repeatability with regard to connector integrity and resulting RF/microwave electrical behavior). Maury’s new Patent Pending design is specifically developed for rugged long term use while maintaining excellent repeatability. Recent independent tests indicate that the maximum mating cycles will actually meet or exceed conventional thread-on 3.5mm connectors without any significant degradation in repeatability.
While speaking with Steve the convention center employees began clearing out the hall as the closing hour of 5:00 pm came and went. And so my one day visit to Autotestcon came to and end without a visit to everyone I had intended to visit. Below is a listing of related companies and agencies that were also attending. I'll get 'em next year.
Founded in 1980, Giga-tronics Incorporated (Nasdaq “GIGA”), an ISO 9001 and AS 9100 certified company, headquartered in San Ramon, California, is a leading engineering-and-design manufacturer of best-in-class RF and microwave signal generators, microwave power amplifiers, USB power sensors, microwave power meters and broadband switching matrices. R&D, production and test managers, scientists, engineers and technicians, around the world, use Giga-tronics test equipment to realize higher productivity and greater ease of use in many applications: ATE systems, aerospace & defense, communications and general microwave component test. Visit Giga-tronics at www.gigatronics.com or view their Giga-tronics video presentation.
In-Phase Technologies
A leading supplier of RF, Microwave and Fiberoptic Automated Test Systems that address the needs of the military electronic, aerospace, satellite, medical and telecommunication markets. In addition to the turn-key ATE systems that the company is primarily known for, In-Phase also has an extensive RF and Microwave Switch Matrix product line for utilization in various customer developed systems.
LeCroy Corporation
LeCroy is a leading provider of oscilloscopes, protocol analyzers and related test and measurement solutions that enable companies across a wide range of industries to design and test electronic devices of all types. Since our founding in 1964, we have focused on creating products that improve productivity by helping engineers resolve design issues faster and more effective.
NAVSEA Warfare Center
Confidence in weapon systems and the probability of mission success are highly dependent upon the integrity of the weapons support test systems. NSWC Corona Division is chartered to conduct independent test systems assessment and certification to ensure that acceptance test systems are performing as intended. Test Systems Assessment and Certification focuses on engineering, quality and process control to optimize quality of test, reduce life cycle costs and ensure mission success.
NAVY Standards
Highly skilled and dedicated metrologists at the Navy's Primary Standards Laboratory maintain and disseminate the most accurate physical units of measurement within the Navy. We provide the U.S. Navy laboratories with direct measurement traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. We are committed to continually improve the Navy's capability to make quality measurements, to ensure that fleet readiness is maintained through calibration.
Eastern Optx, located in Moorestown, NJ, designs and manufactures channel simulation equipment for RADAR Systems, Altimeters, and Air Interface Testing. These systems use a variety of techniques to replicate signal channel conditions that are independent of signal waveform. Eastern OptX also offers custom system integration and automated test software. Eastern OptX is the US Distributor for NoiseXT Phase Noise Test Systems. With more than 20 years of service to the Radar and Communications Industries Noise XT Systems provide the highest dynamic range phase noise measurement capability with a friendly user interface. The systems offer cutting edge capability with field proven reliability. Eastern Optx provides repair and calibration services for all NoiseXT Phase Noise Test Systems.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.
Phase Matrix, Inc.
Designs and manufactures RF/MW T&M instruments, subsystems, and components. Our family of PXI downconverter modules are programmable and configurable to operate over a 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz range. Our 10 and 20 GHz QuickSyn™ synthesizers deliver instrument-grade performance, increased functionality, reduced size at a low cost.
A leading manufacturers of Automated Test Equipment for PCB diagnostic systems, using multiple test technologies such as In-Circuit, Edge connector functional test, Bus Cycle Signature test, Integrated JTAG boundary Scan, and also Cable Harness Testers, High Speed Open/Shorts Testers, V-I Impedance Testers and Vcc-Gnd Shorts Locators for Defence applications in 30+ countries are few of its key customers.
Radiall USA
Manufactures high quality coaxial connectors, QPL connectors, SHF cable assemblies, military radio antennas, microwave components. We serve the Aerospace, Defense and Instrumentation industries. Come see the most reliable RF switches in the marketplace: 10 million cycles. Try our new test cables: TESTPRO guaranteed for 5,000 mating cycles and 10,000 flex cycles.
Rosenberger North America, LLC
A leading manufacturer of coaxial connectors, cable assemblies and microwave devices will present the new MiniCoax connector series. In addition, the company will highlight its fast turn semi-rigid (hard line) cable processes and the latest developments in surface mount coaxial connectors including its "footprint optimization" and computer modeling processes.
A leading provider of time and frequency technology, our application-specific products are designed for synchronization and timing of networks, systems and devices; calibration and test of precise frequency instruments, and measurement of frequency signals. Products include sync tester/analyzers, GPS simulators, time and frequency analyzers/counters, secure master clock synchronization systems, and more.
Test Connection, Inc (TTCI)
The Test Connection, Inc. (TTCI) has been supporting the electronics test arena for over 32 years by offering printed circuit test solutions. Our services range from: In-Circuit Test (ICT) development for the Agilent 3070 and Teradyne (GenRad) TestStation/228X test systems, Functional Test solutions using Agilent TS8900 and National Instruments, Flying Probe board testing services on our Digitaltest flying probe test system, Boundary-Scan Test Solutions with the XJTAG & Goepel systems and TTCI is the U.S.sales partner for Feasa LED Analyser and SMH Technologies FlashRunner. TTCI is International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) registered.
Test Equipment Repair Corporation
Provides repair support of both current and legacy test equipment assets. Repair program options include: per-incident repair support, annual support agreements, ready stock management, post-repair calibration, and OEM End-Of-Support (EOS) maintenance agreements.
Times Microwave Systems
Designs and manufactures high performance coaxial cable, connectors, and cable assemblies for use in wireless systems. Products include flexible, low loss 50 Ohm LMR® coaxial cables, EZ connectors, installation tools and accessories. Times LMR® coaxial cable is considered the standard for flexible low loss coax cable. Other products cover military-aerospace, shipboard high-performance flexible, semi-flexible and rigid coaxial cable assemblies, connectors and delay lines. Times Microwave Systems is the leader in the design and manufacture of coaxial cables for RF and microwave applications.
X-COM Systems
A subsidiary of Bird Technologies Group, designs, assembles, and sells advanced technology solutions to the DoD and worldwide commercial technology firms. X-COM engineers custom RF test solutions targeting the areas of tactical radio, software defined radio, signal storage and waveform creation and analysis software for radar and electronic warfare applications.
A.T.E. (Advanced Test Engineering) Solutions, Inc
A.T.E. (Advanced Test Engineering) Solutions, Inc.Single source provider of independent test information. Since 1984, we are providing consulting services to industry and Governments in all aspects of test, ATE, Design for Testability and Built-In Self Test. We offer the largest selection of test educational courses. The Test Flow SimulatorTM and The Testability DirectorTM are two of our low priced software inventions assisting in developing economic test strategies and testable designs. We share FREE test related information at http://www.besttest.com/ and publish The BestTest Newsletter.
AAI Corporation
AAI features its Joint Service Electronic Combat Systems Tester, or JSECST; radio frequency/electronic warfare (EW) end-to-end test/cable sweep; laboratory EW threat generators; radar signal simulators; Universal Test Set, or UTS, improvised explosive device jammer tester; EW system test sets; Transmit/Receive Module tester; and factory/depot test systems.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals provides quality test and measurement equipment to industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Communications and more. Our extensive inventory, custom solutions& flexible rental terms set us apart as the total solution for your short or long-term projects. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Advanced Test Equipment Rentals has 30 years of experience and ships worldwide. HUBZone and ISO 9001 Certified. Visit us on the web at www.ATECorp.com.
AEA Technology, Inc.
A pioneer and leading manufacturer of RF and cable test equipment for the wireless, Telco, CATV, NMR & MRI, RFID, telemetry, aviation, commercial, military, and two-way radio industries. AEA products enable organizations to significantly improve quality and service reliability, while saving time and reducing capital expenditures. Our latest instruments released in 2007, the VIA Echo 1000, 1000SF & 2500 are the world’s smallest, lightest and most economical 4MHz to 1.0 or 2.5 GHz network analyzers. The 1000SF and 2500 models include a spectrum analyzer and an FDR. Our VIA Echo MRI is the world’s only 4MHz to 1.0GHz ultralow magnetic network analyzer - safe to carry into MRI rooms or work directly under 20T NMRs.
Astronics DME Corporation
Astronics DME Corporation's mission is to provide aviation and defense with safety, simulation, and test solutions. Our business areas encompass a wide range of products that include Automated and Communication Test Equipment, Test Program Sets, Training and Simulation Equipment, Airfield Lighting and Airport Products, Search and Rescue, and Aircraft Safety and Emergency equipment.
BAE Systems
Supplies automated test equipment for both Department of Defense and commercial applications. The company's automated test equipment provides a full-spectrum stimulus and measurement test capability, featuring an open hardware and software architecture to enable adding instrumentation and enhancements with minimal impact to the test system.
Bird Technologies Group
Bird Technologies Group (BTG) is an innovative global supplier of radio frequency products, systems, services and educational solutions. Combining the industry leading brands of Bird Electronic Corporation, TX RX Systems and X-COM Systems in one company reinforces the BTG commitment to providing our customers with industry leading RF test measurement and infrastructure solutions.
Visit the Boeing exhibit to discuss next generation test technologies designed to rehost existing Test Program Sets to a modern test environment thereby preserving the investment in TPS development and production costs. Learn how a practical application of Integrated Diagnostics and ATML standards can improve TPS execution speed and accuracy to benefit long term weapon systems support.
Dow Key Microwave
A Dover Corporation company that has been a leader in the design and manufacture of products to direct RF energy since 1945. Dow-Key is showcasing its new and existing products from individual switches to integrated switching solutions including RF coaxial relays operating from DC to 40GHz, Waveguide Switches, Electro-Mechanical and Solid State RF Matrices, PXI Modules and custom RF switching solutions.
EADS North America Test & Services
EADS North America Test and Services is home to some of the industry's most respected Test and Measurement brands: Racal Instruments, Talon Instruments, TYX, Trig-Tek and Tabor Electronics, featuring instruments, systems, software and support services made for mission-critical applications. See how we can meet your most demanding test requirements - Commercial or Military, COTS to Configurable. Because the only test solution you want is the one that's made for you, and for the mission that's critical to your success.
Eastern OptX
Eastern Optx, located in Moorestown, NJ, designs and manufactures channel simulation equipment for RADAR Systems, Altimeters, and Air Interface Testing. These systems use a variety of techniques to replicate signal channel conditions that are independent of signal waveform. Eastern OptX also offers custom system integration and automated test software. Eastern OptX is the US Distributor for NoiseXT Phase Noise Test Systems. With more than 20 years of service to the Radar and Communications Industries Noise XT Systems provide the highest dynamic range phase noise measurement capability with a friendly user interface. The systems offer cutting edge capability with field proven reliability. Eastern Optx provides repair and calibration services for all NoiseXT Phase Noise Test Systems.
eiTechnology, manufacturer of the “RTS-1000” Radar Simulator / Test System, offers the full functionality of a spectrally pure broadband Direct Analog Frequency Synthesizer combined with a “State of the Art” digital AWG. This arbitrary waveform generator is capable of creating advanced high-resolution waveforms. It seamlessly updates and instantly transitions between waveforms without any interruption in operations and simulates frequency hops, multiple contacts, incoming threats or custom scenarios within the full operational band of 0.3 to 18GHz.
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin is a leading provider of logistics and test support. The company was selected to provide the U.S. Navy with its electronic Consolidated Automated Support System, and also provides automated test equipment support for the U.S. military’s F-35 Lightning II program. We offer a full range of logistics, mission operations, engineering support and integration services to reduce life-cycle costs.