Texas Instruments Inc. introduced the industry’s smallest, 16-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with integrated programmable gain amplifier (PGA), reference, temperature sensor and 4-input multiplexer. Measuring 2 mm x 1.5 mm, the ADS1118 is more than 65-percent smaller than any other 16-bit ADC available today. The ADS1118 provides direct, linearized measurements with uncalibrated error guaranteed below 0.5 degrees Celsius (C) from 0 degrees C to 65 degrees C, a 75-percent improvement over the competition. It is also the lowest-power 16-bit ADC with a built-in internal reference supporting data rates up to 860 samples per second.

Key features and benefits of the ADS1118:

•Integration reduces overall solution size: Integrates a 16-bit ADC, PGA, temperature sensor, low-drift reference and 4-input multiplexer for data acquisition of multiple signals from a wide variety of sensors.

• Small size saves board space: Small QFN package option enables close proximity to sensors, lowering component count by simplifying cold junction compensation for thermocouples.

•Low power extends battery life: Supports 2.0-V to 5.5-V power supplies while consuming only 150 uA (typical) to extend the battery life of portable, battery-powered industrial devices for temperature measurement, gas monitoring, industrial process control, instrumentation and more.

•Provides a complete data acquisition solution when paired with an MSP430™ microcontroller.