Murata Electronics North America announced the launch of its latest front-end modules for WiFi and Bluetooth® applications. Murata's Microwave Monolithic Integrated Devices (MMID®) integrate the company's power amplifier, low noise amplifier and switching product into single packages for both the 2.45 and 5 GHz bands (respectively numbered MDFE2PFA-022 and MDFE2PFA-023). The modules can be combined with a highly integrated, single chip radio - such as the Broadcom BCM4330 chipset - to provide a connectivity solution for the cellular phone, portable device, and person computer markets.
For the engineer, Murata's MMID series enables a complete system to be achieved with minimal components. The line is extremely flexible, with the ability to support 802.11b/g and Bluetooth and/or 802.11a. Designers can also use one or both front-end modules to mix and match wireless networks with minimal design resources. This reduces the complexity of design and greatly improves time to market. Other benefits include optimized performance at low current consumption to save battery life. Further, the miniaturized size allows for a compact design, providing the small and thin end products that consumers demand.
"Murata is uniquely positioned to do this work because of our vast number of customizable solutions for WiFi and Bluetooth. From complete highly integrated modules and sub modules to discrete components, we have the balanced technology and vast experience to provide the most advanced, complete product portfolio with quick time-to-market," stated Scott Klettke, Marketing Manager, Murata Electronics North America. "Murata's MMID series is tremendously flexible in terms of shape and size, allowing for placement just about anywhere on the board where there is space. The fact that they are already proven with Broadcom's BCM4330 chipset speaks volumes about market demand."
The sample pricing of Murata's MMID 2.4 GHz module is $1.00, while the 5 GHz version is priced at $1.20. The lead-time for samples is two to three weeks and 12 to 14 weeks for production quantities.