TiaLinx Inc., a developer of remotely controlled miniaturized object detection radars, announced the launch of the Viper60-A. The ultra fine radio frequency beam is capable of detecting very small objects concealed under clothing.
The lightweight sensor system with polarized arrays provides an ultra-wideband (UWB) fine beam that can detect a variety of objects concealed by common clothing. Analogous to X-ray tomography, but using radio frequency waves that are safe, it can provide images at various depths from objects that can be identified as possible weapons. The system is ideal for rapid screening of individuals in a queue at a standoff. TiaLinx’s real-time V-band UWB RF imaging development was sponsored by multiple SBIR Phase IIs and CPP awards from the Army’s PEO AMMO PM-CCS, DARPA, ONR and AFRL.
Through a software controlled interface that is integrated into a laptop and deployed remotely, the Viper60-A can be further up-scaled to address rapid screening of individuals at a fraction of the cost of current X-ray scanners.
The V-band RF Scanner transmits wideband signals that are highly directional and are reflected from the body while it penetrates the clothing. In the receiver, polarization sensitive signal detection circuits are employed to capture the reflections from targets. Amplitude, phase and delay information are then processed in an integrated digital signal processor.
“Viper60-A’s introduction is another breakthrough in miniaturization of advanced UWB RF sensors pioneered by TiaLinx within the past four years. A large number of TiaLinx’s patents have been used to develop the V-band RF Imager. The innovations in RF beamforming and signal distribution, use of miniaturized polarized arrays, advanced digital signal processing and unique industrial designs have enabled delivery of the Viper60-A as a core strategic technology. Further products evolution and extended applications of this technology for low-cost advanced screening will be the strategic focus of TiaLinx." commented Dr. Fred Mohamadi, Founder and CEO of TiaLinx. “TiaLinx is constantly miniaturizing and upscaling its UWB RF imaging core competence to enable standoff screening of a premise or individual for enhanced situational awareness."