So my colleagues have been giving me a hard time about the promo piece that I created to describe this year's "added-value" opportunity for our May MTT-S show issue advertisers. I guess they think it's hokey, gimmicky, cheesy, ugly or even worse. They particularly don't like the graphic of a businessman with boxing gloves and an angry demeanor. I don't doubt that their comments are justified, but hey, I was just trying to make a point. They are probably just jealous that they didn't come up with the idea.

Regardless, the basic premise is that our full page (or larger) advertisers will get a bonus inclusion in one of the Flash FOCUS: IMS Exhibitor Preview newsletters, to be broadcast within the 2-3 weeks leading up to the show. So, you get your print ad in the show issue to our 50,000 subscribers (punch one) and your spotlight in the newsletter to 10,000 targeted readers (punch two). In fact, your newsletter item continues to live on in the show coverage pages of our website until well past the show’s conclusion (So I could have called it a 1-2-3 punch). You get the idea.

It's all about “Multichannel Marketing”, which we strongly promote at MWJ and which our guest columnists touch on in their contributions to this month's WaveGuide. The MTT-S show issue remains an optimal platform for getting your company’s message in front of the microwave engineering universe before the show and at the show with its distribution in the delegate bag and on the show floor. The newsletters provide an additional opportunity to drive traffic to your website and your booth. This online presence is enhanced by MWJ’s Cyber Café sponsorship, which will feature our show coverage, including the newsletters.

Speaking of online, we will again be producing the MWJ "Online Show Dailies" for IMS. These newsletters reach more than 40,000 subscribers with comprehensive previews and show coverage of new products, news, events within the event and industry perspectives. The coverage will begin in early May with weekly newsletters and continue daily during the week of the show. Coverage concludes with the wrap-up edition the week after. The newsletters are available for exclusive sponsorship and are an ideal way to raise awareness of your show presence and drive traffic to your booth. There are a limited number of sponsorships available, and several have already been booked, so call your sales rep soon if you are interested.

The ad deadline for the May show issue is April 15th, so "jab" your sales rep soon to "hook" your ad and you will "knockout" the competition with the "One-Two Punch".

OK, maybe I'm getting a little carried away now.


Carl Sheffres