Since 2005 COMSOL has been hosting conferences presenting research from our users at a number of different venues throughout the world. This year's CD contains over 500 Multiphysics technical papers, presentations and animations published by users of multiphysics simulation tools from around the globe, serving as a rich technical resource for anyone interested in simulation.

A variety of applications are featured, including
- AC/DC Systems
- Acoustics
- Bioengineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Fluid Flow
- Geophysics
- Heat Transfer
- Material Science
- Multiphysics
- Optics and Photonics
- Piezo Devices
- Plasma Physics
- Reaction Engineering and Reactor Design
- RF and Microwave Engineering
- Simulation Methods
- Structural Mechanics
- and more

Requests can be made at COMSOL Activity Inofrmation Requests