AWR® Corp. issues a new customer success story: J&R Microwave Solutions Ltd..

"We now design MMICs such as LNAs or PAs with Microwave Office and AXIEM in two months instead of six months,” said N'Gongo Simplice, Founder of J&R Microwave Solutions. “The MMICs we have designed with AWR tools have been fully functional and right the first time."

J&R Microwave Solutions Ltd. is a design house specializing in metallic module modeling and GaAs MMIC design. It successfully designed and developed a complex, active power divider component using AWR Corp.'s Microwave Office™ and AXIEM® software solutions. This single, active power divider replaced two components, a low noise amplifier (LNA) and passive power divider, to ease the extended dynamic range of the detector log video amplifier (EDLVA) system's complexity and speed time to market.

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