EuMW 2015 Welcome Reception: Freedom of Speech
The motto of European Microwave Week 2015 is Freedom through Microwaves, which addresses the concept of modern living where microwave technologies are opening up new frontiers that will govern how individuals and objects communicate, sense and move. In particular there is major interest in the development and evolution of the ‘Connected Humans’ concept where there is potential for the microwave community to play a significant role as we look towards Horizon 2020.
The motto not only relates to the technological connection that attracts visitors from around the globe but also the development and nurturing of the human and personal connections that are vital for the industry to evolve, flourish and progress. That sentiment was epitomised by the Keysight Technologies sponsored Welcome Reception that rounded off the first day of the European Microwave Exhibition on Tuesday (8 September). Over the years the reception has become an established and popular event that brings together delegates for the Week’s three conferences and the exhibitors, giving them the rare opportunity to meet, interact and network.
The 2015 General Chair, Hervè Aubert, began by welcoming everyone and thanking them for their attendance and support before handing over to his successor for London 2016, Andrew Gibson. He encouraged the audience to join him and his team next year stating: “Since the London Olympics in 2012 the Excel Centre offers new transport links, new hotels and a new conference centre.”
He finished by introducing Frank Berthaux, EMEAI Marketing Manager at Keysight Technologies who said; “It is a great honour to welcome you to European Microwave Week in Paris. This is our twelfth year as Platinum Sponsors and the second as Keysight Technologies.” He finished by encouraging delegates and exhibitors to relax and enjoy the buffet reception.
Throughout the evening the company demonstrated its generosity with a prize draw offering a FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer, a Thermal Imager and copies of Joel Dunsmore’s Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements: with Advanced VNA Techniques. Every entrant also had the opportunity to look ‘cool’ in Keysight sunglasses!