Microwave Journal

Richardson RFPD announces new blog article by Joe Madden

November 14, 2013

Richardson RFPD Inc. announced a new blog article written by industry expert, Joe Madden.

Madden founded Mobile Experts in 2002 and today serves as its principal analyst, Radio Access and RF Semiconductors. He has twenty-four years of experience in wireless hardware, supplying amplifiers and filters into both base station and handset applications.

The latest entry in Madden's blog on the Richardson RFPD website is titled, "Active Antenna Systems Reach the Tipping Point." The article covers how China Mobile is driving the industry to massive deployment of active antenna systems (AAS) solutions, as well as the application of simple AAS solutions in frequency-division duplexing (FDD) communications for crowded, urban areas. The article concludes with Mobile Experts' forecast of a 40 percent average market growth for AAS during the next five years.

Previous blog articles for the Richardson RFPD Design Resource Center include Cloud RAN or Small Cells? and Cost Comparison: Carrier Wi-Fi, Small Cells, DAS, Repeaters.

Madden's blog is part of Richardson RFPD's award-winning training and education resources. Earlier this year, Richardson RFPD was recognized as having one of the Best Training and Education websites in Microwaves & RF’s first annual Best of Microwaves Industry Awards.