4G/5G/Cellular Channel - Wireless News, Products & Content

5G mmWave

5G Drives mmWave Technology Across Multiple Industries

The technology in today’s world continues to move higher in frequency to solve problems and improve performance. It is these millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies that offer hope in solving the toughest requirements in many industries such as communications and defense. 5G communication systems benefit from years of research done by defense companies for different applications but similar needs.

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Teledyne e2v Unveils Multi-Channel ADC Supporting Up to 6.4 GSPS Operation

Teledyne e2v has released a 12-bit, quad-channel analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Bridging the gap between the analog RF and digital worlds, the EV12AQ605’s input bandwidth exceeds 6.5 GHz in the extended bandwidth mode. A variation on the company’s quad-core EV12AQ600 ADC, the EV12AQ605 signal conditioning solution offers almost identical functionality at a lower price, which will appeal to high volume, cost-sensitive markets.

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