RF & Microwave Industry News

High performance V590ME09-LF by Z-Communications

 Z-Communications Inc. announces a new RoHS compliant VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) model V590ME09-LF. The V590ME09-LF operates over the frequency range of 850 to 1050 MHz within 0.5 to 5.0V of tuning. This unmatched VCO features a spectrally clean signal of -100 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset while operating off a 5 Vdc supply and drawing only 15 mA of current. 

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Rohde & Schwarz enables comprehensive automotive radar tests and signal analysis

When developing radar sensor chipsets, users can now use the new Rohde & Schwarz solution to simulate a realistic scenario in the lab. For example, it is possible to simulate vehicles with different moving profiles or stress tests in different environments. As a result, developers can verify the signal processing algorithms of the sensor at an early stage. 

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Linear announces input synchronous step-down switching regulator

Linear Technology Corp. announces the LT8609, a 2A, 42V input synchronous step-down switching regulator. A unique synchronous rectification topology delivers 93 percent efficiency while switching at 2 MHz enabling designers to avoid critical noise-sensitive frequency bands, such as AM radio, while providing a highly compact solution footprint. Burst Mode® operation keeps quiescent current under 2.5µA in no-load standby conditions, making it ideal for always-on systems. 

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Keysight sponsors National Taiwan University’s B4G MIMO Lab

Keysight Technologies, Inc. announced sponsorship of the B4G MIMO Lab, part of National Taiwan University’s (NTU) High-Speed Radio Frequency and mmWave Center. Keysight also announced that is has joined the B4G/5G Technology Forum. The lab is one of the projects at the center aiming to develop key components used in Beyond 4G and 5G mobile communication systems. 

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