Microwave Journal

Response Microwave High-Power Coupler Supports Its/Wi-Fi Bands

June 6, 2022

Response Microwave, Inc. a global specialist in providing RF/microwave customer solutions, announced the availability of a new high-power coupler for use in ITS/Wi-Fi applications. 

The new RMCO30.5800Nfr covers the 5.7 to 5.9 GHz band offering typical electrical performance of 0.4 dB max insertion loss, VSWR of 1.30:1 maximum and minimum directivity of 25 dB. Power handling is 150 W and the unit is operational over the -55°C to +105°C range. Mechanical package is 2.2 x 1.1 x 0.9 in., plus N female connectors and removable termination. Alternate coupling values and connectors are available on request, as are narrower bandwidths.