Microwave Journal
Several of the articles in this eBook cover improvements due to GaN technology including a survey of GaN foundries covering the various processes in production and in development and electronically reconfigurable GaN amplifiers recently introduced by Qorvo. It also covers a giga-watt, multi-way combiner using corrugated coaxial waveguide filters and a mmWave MIMO radar configuration. The eBook also looks at how startups are revolutionizing automotive radar with new 4D sensors for ADAS and autonomy.

Advances in Radar and Components

September 1, 2021

Several of the articles in this eBook cover improvements due to GaN technology including a survey of GaN foundries covering the various processes in production and in development and electronically reconfigurable GaN amplifiers recently introduced by Qorvo. It also covers a giga-watt, multi-way combiner using corrugated coaxial waveguide filters and a mmWave MIMO radar configuration. The eBook also looks at how startups are revolutionizing automotive radar with new 4D sensors for ADAS and autonomy.

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