Microwave Journal

Frequency Divider: PSC-200M18G-CD-SFF

June 22, 2021

PMI Model No. PSC-200M18G-CD-SFF is a Frequency Divider that operates over the 0.5 to 18.0 GHz frequency range. Typical output power of -4 dBm; SSB phase noise of -147 dBc/Hz; output frequency Range of 0.125 to 4.5 GHz; fixed divide ratio: 4 Typ; output power: -7 dBm Min, -4 dBm Typ;  and SSB phase noise (100 kHz Offset) -147 dBc/Hz Typ.  This model has SMA female connectors and a housing measuring 1.250" x 1.250" x 0.563".  Visit https://www.pmi-rf.com/product-details/psc-200m18g-cd-sff