Single Pole, Sixteen Throw, Absorptive Switch: P16T-250M18G-60-T-512-SFF-DEC-1W
May 25, 2021
PMI Model No. P16T-250M18G-60-T-512-SFF-DEC-1W is a Single Pole, Sixteen Throw, Absorptive Switch that operates over the 0.25 to 18.0 GHz frequency range. Specifications include maximum insertion loss of 7 dB; minimum isolation of 60 dB; VSWR In/Out, 2.0:1 Typ., 2.5:1 Max; Switching Speed, Rise/Fall: 50 ns Typ., 10 ns Typ, Delay On/Off: 150 ns Max; Input Power: +30 dBm CW and Survival Power: 10 W Peak, 1 µs. This model is outfitted with SMA female removable connectors in a housing measuring 8.00" x 3.00" x 0.65".