Microwave Journal
SPINNER_Multiband_Combining_System (002)

First 20:4 Multiband Combining System for 5G

May 11, 2020

First 20:4 Multiband Combining System for 5G

You don’t need to worry about power or network management: passive in-building systems ensure excellent cellular connections, also in large, sprawling building complexes, without any operating costs at all. You can install the new 19” shelf from SPINNER today and use it tomorrow for 5G or IoT applications. You no longer need to touch the devices themselves. This adds up to maximum readiness for the future in the uncompromisingly high quality that SPINNER is known for.

Your favorite music in your ears while you window shop or quickly reserve an e-scooter between trains ... these days, a high-quality experience is almost more important than clothing styles or the punctuality of public transportation. For maximum flexibility, the new multiband combining system from SPINNER (BN 572690) combines up to four mobile providers with five bands each at the device’s inputs .

5G with up to 3800 MHz

Conventional equipment processes frequencies between 694 and 2700 MHz. This corresponds to the cellular bands that have been standard up until now. In addition, the new SPINNER multiband combining system integrates the band between 3300 and 3800 MHz. It is therefore also ready for 5G applications. Once installed, these devices maximize flexibility―and save you and your customers costly, labor-intensive conversion projects.

SPINNER 20:4 Multiband Combining System for 5G

Uncompromisingly more bandwidth

Processing more frequency bands typically comes at the cost of compromised transmission quality. But not with the new SPINNER shelf. Just like the previous device generation, it boasts excellent isolation, reflection, and passive intermodulation values. Especially its high isolation value of more than 30 dB goes a long way toward preventing frequencies from interfering with one another. Specifically, this means that users enjoy greater bandwidth for a better overall experience. This lets you maximize the number of users while minimizing costs.
