Microwave Journal

octoScope’s octoBox Personal Testbed Supports the New Wi-Fi 6E Band

May 6, 2020

octoScope® has announced that its octoBox® testbed supports operation in the 6 GHz band approved for use by Wi-Fi by the FCC. The Wi-Fi Alliance branded this new spectrum and devices supporting it as Wi-Fi 6E. Wi-Fi 6E devices are expected to be deployed this year.

With the addition of 1200 MHz of spectrum, extending to 7.125 GHz, Wi-Fi 6E makes available 14 new 80 MHz channels and seven new 160 MHz channels. This spectrum is needed for high-bandwidth applications, such as high-definition video streaming and virtual reality.

The octoBox wireless personal testbed has been verified to support the entire Wi-Fi 6E band and beyond.  All RF subsystems of the octoBox are now specified to 7.5 GHz. The new RF specifications for the octoBox subsystems are available on the octoScope website.

octoBox is a turnkey automated testbed for testing Wi-Fi devices and systems. It comes complete with integrated traffic tools to measure performance, motion and distance emulation to test roaming and range, multipath emulation to test the Wi-Fi radios. The testbed is controllable via a browser-based UI and automatable via REST API.