Low G-Sensitivity” VCSO: VS-800
RFMW announces design and sales support for a released “low G-sensitivity” voltage controlled SAW oscillator (VCSO). The Microchip VS-800 offers industry leading performance with fundamental mode operation from 800 MHz to 1.6 GHz and multiplied operation to 3.2 GHz. Now enhanced with a “Low G-sensitivity” option that provides a 50% improvement on G-sensitivity to < 0.5 ppb/g making the device suitable for harsh environment applications and outdoor use.
The VS-800 “Low G-sensitivity” option retains all of the performance characteristics of the platform including sub 10 fs jitter performance, making it the ideal high-speed ADC/DAC driver for 5G radios, Optical Transport Networks (40G / 100G / 200G / 400G), military radar, wireline and wireless telecommunications and High-Rel. applications. Available in a small form factor package (5 x 3.2 x 1.4 mm).