Radar, EW and Sensors eBooks
Automotive and Military Applications
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Optimizing PCB Designs Guidebook
Because PCBs are fundamental to electronic devices, they are used in a variety of defense, consumer electronics, telecommunications, healthcare and energy and power applications. This widespread adoption creates a significant market opportunity. However, PCB manufacturers and users must address challenges to continue to enable the mass market appeal and unique opportunities envisioned by the market forecasts and the electronics industry. These challenges and their solutions form the basis for the articles in this eBook.
These articles will give the reader a good understanding of the fundamentals and challenges of PCB material selection, design and fabrication that must be addressed to create the solutions that the electronics industry needs to evolve. The first article investigates a new composite laminate material that uses standard/qualified PTFE-based paper and glass fabric layers to provide good dimensional stability and Z-axis CTE while also exhibiting low Dk and Df. The second and last articles look at the fabrication process. The second article offers excellent insight into the fabrication steps and what is necessary at each step to optimize circuit performance. The last article addresses considerations for high-frequency RF and high-speed digital multilayer boards. The third article discusses how new materials overcome the traditional challenges presented by high Dk/low Df materials. The fourth article addresses how to reliably bend and form PCBs in response to the emergence of applications requiring 3D solutions.
Advances in Surface Mount Components for Miniaturization
This eBook aims to provide an overview of some of the latest innovations in surface mount and integrated device with their implications for the military and aerospace industries. As these sectors push the boundaries of what is possible in electronic systems, engineers and designers are continuously seeking ways to optimize size, weight, and power (SWaP) without compromising performance or reliability. Through these articles on new developments in materials, processes, and design methodologies, this eBook provides valuable insights for professionals involved in the design and implementation of military and aerospace systems. As the demand for more compact, efficient, and reliable electronic systems continues to grow, the importance of surface mount components in the military and aerospace sectors will only increase.
RF Components for Radar
This eBook gives you a good overview of emerging components, simulation, analysis techniques and trends that will influence the next generation of defense radar systems. The first article gives a good overview of digital beamforming and direct sampling advantages and how filter technology enables these advances. The second article expands on this theme and advocates for the industry to keep driving analog evolution so that the integration of analog and digital technologies increases the affordability of sophisticated defense systems. The third article is a market report on high-power tubes and the role they still play in defense applications. The following two articles address the analysis and simulation aspects of defense applications. The first presents several factors, along with guidelines and recommended values to use in the PCB design-for-manufacturing (DFM) process. The second of these two articles looks at techniques and methods to simplify system-level behavioral modeling and simulation, using phased arrays as examples. The final article in this eBook brings us back to components with a description of a low noise mmW oscillator developed for radar and communications systems.
Improving SWAP for Military Applications
Our contributors, experts from various fields, present in-depth analyses and innovative solutions aimed at enhancing the functionality and efficiency of military systems. You'll find comprehensive discussions on implementing high-performance filters in millimeter-wave applications, an overview of trends in RF components for radar, and the transformative potential of multifunction GRIN antennas. These technologies are pivotal in addressing the growing need for multi-mission capabilities within confined spaces, ensuring that our defense systems are both effective and resilient.
The articles in this eBook explore the latest advancements and applications of SWAP-optimized components. For instance, you'll read about the integration of low-noise oscillators, hybrid couplers, and gain equalizers, all designed to meet the stringent requirements of modern radar systems. Additionally, the eBook covers the implementation of automation in microwave system testing and the innovative approaches to open-field and live-system RF testing.
New Developments in GaN Technology for Defense
In the ever-evolving landscape of defense technology, GaN has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing the capabilities of military systems. From advanced radar systems to communications systems, GaN technology has been instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of defense operations. This eBook, "New Developments in GaN Technology for Defense," covers some of the latest innovations and applications of GaN technology for military markets including radar, amplifier design, thermal and power management, and the advantages of GaN technology. Collectively, the articles in this eBook showcase the transformative potential of GaN technology in bolstering military capabilities.
New Developments in Mission Critical RF Component Selection
Mission-critical RF component selection has experienced remarkable advancements with breakthroughs in materials science, semiconductor technology, and design methodologies. These innovations have paved the way for the development of components capable of operating under extreme conditions, delivering unparalleled performance, and ensuring seamless interoperability within complex communication infrastructures. This eBook covers new developments in SDRs, filter topologies, semi-rigid cable assemblies, RF over fiber and a modular approach to phased arrays. These new developments will assist the design engineer in some new approaches to RF component selection for mission critical applications.
Aerospace and Defense Components
This eBook explores several new trends in aerospace and defense. It covers a variety of topics including pulse droop in long pulse width, high-power, solid-state amplifiers used for radar and EW systems; how the creation of an air cavity in the PCB stack-up decreases the insertion losses of the traces and increases the antenna performance in the mmWave bands; discussion of supply chain security and counterfeit detection using universal chip telemetry; and the nuances of space level qualification and the screening process for these devices.
Filter Selection and Design Essentials
Filters are a critical component in any wireless system and in many the most numerous devices in the signal chain. There are many types of filters and even more ways of realizing them in with various processes and materials. This eBook from Knowles, reviews the basics of filter methods and types plus the critical performance parameters. By providing this detailed fundamental filter information, we hope to help you simplify your future filtering decisions.
Modern Radar Technology
Continuing improvements in radar system capabilities enabled by digital architectures are imposing new testing requirements and more capable measurement systems. This eBook explores this system trend and the implications for test and measurement systems. Topics include the continuing evolution of radar, advanced multi-mode multi-mission software-defined mmWave radar, heterogeneous Integration enables direct conversion RF to digital processing at the tactical edge, choosing the right GaN package for long pulse radar modes, plus several testing related articles such as signal generation for radar system testing, testing secondary surveillance radar, and measuring GaN PA linearity.
Radar & Wireless Innovations for Automotive Applications
This eBook explores the innovative automotive systems that use RF, microwave and mmWave technology and addresses some of the challenges testing them. Topics covered include UWB, C-V2X testing, radar development, integrated radar-bumper assembly test, 3D waveguide antennas for radar, target simulation, production testing of automotive radar, and new 4D imaging radars with the performance required to enable autonomous vehicles.
Innovations in Passive Device Design to Reduce SWaP
This eBook explores how passive components are contributing to the progress of reducing SWaP, complementing semiconductor integration. Topics covered include reducing RF Circuit SWaP with high K materials and precision thin-film microstrip technology; filter technology options for mmWave applications; compact, low loss switched filter bank using MEMS switches; and using additive manufacturing for Aerospace and Defense components including examples of antennas, amplifiers and filters.
Recent Advances in FPGA Processing Power for EW and AI
This eBook reviews recent advances in these areas of AI and FPGA processing that are enabling improved EW systems. The first article looks at accelerating EW system development and deployment with open hardware, firmware and software leveraging a new standard platform. The next two articles look at how AI is changing the EW landscape and the industry’s first heterogeneous processing module with integrated AI functionality. Then the eBook addresses digital RF memory testing challenges and solutions. The last two articles cover new products for RF signal recording with smaller form factors and increased capabilities.
Advances in Radar and Components
Several of the articles in this eBook cover improvements due to GaN technology including a survey of GaN foundries covering the various processes in production and in development and electronically reconfigurable GaN amplifiers recently introduced by Qorvo. It also covers a giga-watt, multi-way combiner using corrugated coaxial waveguide filters and a mmWave MIMO radar configuration. The eBook also looks at how startups are revolutionizing automotive radar with new 4D sensors for ADAS and autonomy.
New Developments in EW and Signals Intelligence
There have a been a lot of developments in the Electronic Warfare (EW) and Signals Intelligence markets in the last few years as higher power, wideband hardware has become more mainstream and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) have advanced on the software side. This eBook reviews some of the recent advances in smarter, more flexible hardware to gather and jam signals from these emerging threats. The first couple of articles review the state of EW and how AI and ML are enabling new solutions. The next article covers open system architectures for military applications and how they are enabling next generation defense systems. The next two articles cover drone detection and defeat technologies starting with systems that can adapt to their environment followed by an article about emerging drone technologies. The last article briefly covers the RTX 2684 26 GHz RF Sentinel™ Intelligent Signal Scanning small form factor recorder.
Recent Radar Advancements and Trends
This eBook explores several topics relevant to radar performance, beginning with an article describing a radar architecture enabled by improved processing: the “holographic” or staring radar. The second article discusses how the performance of radars with complex waveforms can be assessed using sophisticated power measurement to characterize pulse operation and using noise signals with statistical power measurement to identify nonlinearities in the signal chain. Moving to the benefits of GaN on radar performance, Qorvo describes how increasing the operating voltage to 65 V increases device power density and power-added efficiency, to 9 W/mm and 80 percent, respectively. A second article from Qorvo compares the additive phase noise of linear and saturated amplifiers and between PHEMT and HBT processes. The eBook concludes with an interview with Dean White, director of Qorvo’s defense and aerospace segment, who shares his perspective of market needs and how Qorvo is aligning its process and product roadmaps to serve them.
Fundamentals of Radar and RF Power Generation
This eBook covers the fundamentals of radar technology and RF power generation theory. The first article covers the military radar market and outlook through 2025 followed by an extensive article that takes a comprehensive look at the many aspects of radar technology including the basics of radar operation, how radar works and various types of radar systems. The next two articles review the theory of operation for receiver protectors and magnetrons. The last article covers the underlying concepts of receiver protector life and how they apply to actual performance. This is a very good guide to the basics of radar and the theory of operation of the key components that generate high power RF signals for radar systems.
Design Considerations for High Reliability RF PCB Circuit Designs for Extreme Environments
This eBook addresses many design issues with PCBs for high power GaN devices, higher frequency mmWave circuits, thermal expansion effects, heat sinking, extending operating temperatures, reducing circuit size, copper surface roughness effects, interface materials and connector launch methods. The first two articles deal with high power GaN devices addressing some of the design challenges for high voltage and high frequency designs. The next article looks at PCB materials to reduce circuit size and the one after addresses thermal power handling in space applications. The next article looks at environmental effects on circuit performance and how to test them while the last two articles address designing PCB mmWave circuits including amplifiers.
Circuit Material Design Guide for mmWave Radar Applications
This eBook covers the design considerations for PCB laminate circuits and how to take these issues into account when designing for mmWave applications. Dielectric constant is a key material parameter that can vary due to temperature changes, within a substrate material due to the construction material, or over frequency. Dissipation factor is another key parameter that can affect the losses in a circuit and become very significant at mmWave frequencies. Metal surface roughness is another important consideration that can increase signal loss that is not significant at lower frequencies. The woven glass within the circuit material also causes changes in dielectric constant that can affect mmWave signals differently depending on the direction of the metal transmission lines. In addition, datasheets might not provide all of the information you need to simulate a circuit accurately.
Development and Test of New Automotive Radar Technologies
This eBook is intended to help designers develop and test new radar sensor technologies as we have collected some of the latest articles in this area for this publication. The articles include a market overview, review of a new digital code modulation MIMO radar technology, a highly integrated 140 GHz FMCW radar for vital sign monitoring and gesture recognition applications, and several articles from test expert Rohde & Schwarz about measurement techniques for radar systems including optimizing beamforming from bits to RF beams, measurement of radar pulse stability and advanced methods for analyzing ultra-wide automotive radar signals.
Autonomous Driving Design Technology
BIS Research analysis estimates the global autonomous vehicle market was valued at 6.6 million units in 2017 and is expected to reach 67.5 million units by 2028, registering a CAGR of 20.78% between 2018 and 2028. A critical sensor in the autonomous suite is the radar module currently being used for ADAS applications in many cars. This eBook addresses many of the design challenges for radar sensors with articles covering the effects of materials on 77 GHz radar modules, interference challenges in urban environments, testing challenges, and PCB materials solutions to the thermal and high frequency effects.
Design Trends in Automotive Electronics and Radar Sensors
The high growth rate of automotive electronics in recent years shows the importance of electronics and radar sensors for future vehicle development. This eBook offers design information covering high-resolution, wideband radar measurement challenges, automotive radar & the congested spectrum, design challenges of infrastructure for automotive wireless charging, and antenna design & testing.
Automotive Radar Design Considerations for Autonomous Driving and Safety Systems
This eBook is a compilation of recent articles published by Microwave Journal on mmWave technology, automotive radar sensor trends and innovation, choosing the right PCB materials and configurations for high frequency automotive radars, the future of automotive radar testing and interference issues that need to be addressed.
Advances in Radar, Test and Integration
Strategy Analytics stated that current technology advancements in the areas of Doppler processing, dual-polarization, electronic digital beamforming, solid-state transceivers, pulsed-compression, direct digital data conversion, signal processing algorithms, 3-D displays and data analytics are adding impetus to radar spending globally through both upgrades on existing systems as well as new radar procurements. This eBook collection of articles provides an overview of many of these trends and technology advancements including design tradeoffs, new architectures, new simulation and testing techniques and more.
Advances in AESA Radar
The four technical articles selected by the editors for this ebook cover the latest industry trends in AESA radar ranging from traditional T/R module based arrays to new tile array configurations and a review of metamaterials approaches. Analog versus digtial beamforming including a hybrid approach are also covered.
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