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EDI CON Online Announces 2020 Show Dates

Online, interactive live event enjoyed a successful inaugural year in 2019.

October 31, 2019

EDI CON Online, an interactive event held for the first time September 10-12, 2019, has posted impressive results for its inaugural year with more than 4400 sessions attended to date. 97% of attendees surveyed noted they would attend another EDI CON Online, and 97% would also recommend the event to a colleague.

“We are very pleased with the response from the industry,” says Carl Sheffres, publisher of Microwave Journal and Signal Integrity Journal, the publications organizing the event. “Our research indicated that today’s engineers often have conflicts preventing them from attending training or events in person, so we aim to help alleviate these issues with EDI CON Online.”

Attendees who shared their experiences agreed, with one attendee saying “It worked out perfectly for me. Also, the great benefit was the ability to access the presentations after the event.” And another response, “I was very pleased with this event. It was a lot of high-quality presentations, yet I didn't have to deal with travel, missing work, etc. Thank you!”

Over a three-day period, EDI CON Online 2019 included 32 speakers, 3 plenary keynote talks, 15 technical sessions, and 13 sponsored workshops. Platinum sponsors Samtec, Mini Circuits, and Rohde & Schwarz delivered engaging video keynote presentations. The technical sessions and workshops offered chances for attendees to ask questions in a live Q&A session.

Event organizers have announced that next year’s EDI CON Online event will take place on consecutive Tuesdays in October, with a plan to offer sessions over four days (October 6, 13, 20, and 27) organized into tracks that are again kicked off by keynote sessions.

Platinum, Workshop, and Track Sponsorships are now available for 2020. Potential sponsors can contact their MWJ/SIJ sales representatives for more information or go to www.edicononline.com. Attendees can still register and watch the 2019 sessions. Registration for the 2020 event will open in the late summer of 2020.