Microwave Journal
SDLVA-0120-70 OPT 100M2G, 10DBM.jpg

SDLV Amplifier: SDLVA-0120-70-100M2G-10DBM

April 15, 2019

PMI model SDLVA-0120-70-100M2G-10DBM is a successive detection log video amplifier (SDLVA) that operates between the 0.1 to 2.0 GHz frequency range, it has a dynamic range of 70 dB minimum and a TSS of -65 dBm.

 This unit offers a maximum rise time of 25 ns and a fall time of 30 ns. This model provides a limited IF output of +10 dBm typically. Other specifications include VSWR 2.0:1 Max (1.8:1 Typ); Limited IF Output of +10 dBm - Measured 8.31 dBm Min. 11.84 dBm Max; Input Power +10 dBm and power requirements +7 to +18 V @ 300 mA - Measured 117 mA, -7 to -18 V @ 150 mA - Measured 138 mA. Unit size: 3.75 " x 1.50 " x 0.40".


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