Microwave Journal

Switch Filter Bank: 2SFB-8G26G-CD-SFF

January 29, 2019

PMI Model No. 2SFB-8G26G-CD-SFF Rev C is a 2-channel switch filter bank providing a low-pass filter that passes 8.62 to 8.70 GHz with a rejection band of 17.24 to 17.4 GHz. In by-pass mode the unit passes signals from 8.0 to 26.5 GHz. This unit is powered by a +5 V single supply and the control logic is TTL/CMOS +5 V compatible.

 Other specifications include Input RF Power Level (No Damage) +20 dBm CW Max (powered and unpowered), Input IP3 (pin = -10 dBm, DF = 2 MHz) +27 dBm Max, +32 dBm Typ, and Switching Speed 100 ns Max - Measured <100 ns.  RF Input/Output SMA (F) removable connectors and package size 1.5" x 0.8" x 0.5". https://www.pmi-rf.com/product-details/2sfb-8g26g-cd-sff-rev-c

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