
Band 3 BAW Duplexer Filter: QPQ1297
December 4, 2018
RFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for a Band 3 BAW duplexer filter. The Qorvo QPQ1297 supports Band 3 LTE, small cells, mobile routers and repeater designs with uplink pass band frequencies from 1710 to 1785 MHz and downlink pass band frequencies from 1805 to 1880 MHz.
Passive Inter-modulation (PIM) is becoming a critical parameter for small cell duplexers and the QPQ1297 addresses this issue with BAW technology, yielding almost 30 dB better performance than comparable SAW technologies. No external matching is necessary with this single-ended design which offers low insertion loss and up to 53 dB isolation between bands. Housed in a compact, 2.0 x 2.5 mm SMT package.