Microwave Journal

RFMW Announces Distribution Agreement with Microsemi

July 19, 2018

RFMW Ltd. announced a distribution agreement with Microsemi Corp., a subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. Under the agreement, RFMW is franchised to market and sell the Microsemi RF, microwave and millimeter wave product offerings in the Americas.

Microsemi offers a broad product portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions developed to address the needs of the aerospace and defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Microsemi also designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of RF/microwave power transistors, filters, diodes, MMIC amplifiers and control components, which will be available to RFMW customers as part of the agreement with Microsemi.

RFMW is a specialized distributor providing customers and suppliers with focused distribution of RF and microwave components, as well as specialized component-engineering support.

“Microsemi offers our customers some unique products which enhance our strategic goal of providing RF components from antenna to baseband. We pride ourselves on the ability to find solutions and offer component selection services to our customers. The addition of the Microsemi products makes RFMW the ‘go-to’ resource for new designs and consultative RF expertise.” — Joel Levine, president and CEO of RFMW Ltd.