Microwave Journal

High Isolation Switch: QPC3024

May 29, 2018

RFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for a high isolation switch. Qorvo’s QPC3024 symmetric, SPDT switch offers >65 dB isolation for CATV equipment operating in 75 ohm environments. Spanning 5 to 3000 MHz, it serves both forward path and return path applications for MDU amplifiers, set top boxes, optical nodes, multi-tuner DVRs and point-to-point.

  With mid-band insertion loss of 0.82 dB, the QPC3024 combines low insertion loss and high isolation for high performance communication systems. Offered in a 4 x 4 mm QFN, input IP3 is >60 dBm. 

 For more in-depth information on this product visit our website at: http://www.rfmw.com/
