Microwave Journal

LDMOS-Based Pallet Amplifier: BPC10M6X2S200

May 3, 2018

RFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for a high power, LDMOS-based pallet amplifier. The Ampleon BPC10M6X2S200 offers 200 W of pulsed or CW RF power from 423 to 443 MHz for ISM band implementations in plasma lighting, RF cooking/defrosting, industrial heating and medical applications. Operating from a 28 V supply, this amplifier includes a pre-driver (BLP35M805), final amp (BLC10M6XS200) and an integrated directional coupler with detectors to control forward and reflected power.

The BPC10M6X2S200 is matched to 50 ohms on both input and output, eliminating the need for external matching components for reduced design time and cost as well as reduced PCB space requirements. Typical efficiency is 74% and the two stages provide 38dB of gain. Offered as a 125 x 33mm pallet with 12 mounting holes.
